“Ishura” Episode 10 Recap and Explained: “Ishura” is a twelve-episodic dark anime series based on the best-selling manga of the same Name. The anime adaptation is currently streaming now in Disney plus Hotstar with only Ten Episodes, while rest will come weekly.

In this article, we are gonna discuss the recap of the Tenth episode but before this let’s have a quick recap of the story of this Anime series. There was an age of The Demon King where he controlled the whole world but after his death, all the heroes around the world gathered together to prove their powers.

Previously we have seen Soujirou & Nihilo attacked in Lithia. On the other side, we see a powerful battle between Regnejee & Alus. But after a long fight, Alus wins the match. Now, who is gonna win this war?

After the true Demon king died the enemy of the world was defeated by somebody. But even now the powers left behind writhe in multitude. They cannot be subdued by ordinary strength. In the world’s largest city Aureatia, proceeds with the selection of a hero. While the leader of Lithia, Taren the Guarded seeks new order & governs through fear.

This episode started in the New Principality of Lithia. We see Nihilo literally create destruction in the whole city. The whole city is covered with fires & destruction. We also see Elea & Kia running into Lithia. Elea found that the soldiers of Mage City were on Aureatia’s side. Two men from Mage city came towards her. before they talk more Shalk comes in & cuts through one guy. Shalk also understood that these girls were not from LITHIA. Elea found trouble in this situation because she Knows the power of Kia. Before she speaks more Kia starts talking with Shalk. She said that she is from the Eta Sylvan Province to study. She also thanked him for saving them.

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Right now, the Lithian soldiers are evacuating citizens on the east side. The people of the city are living in this danger. But Kia & Elea went to find out Lana. In this ruined city they are finding her. Will they find her? That’s how this portion ended again. Kia’s power still became a mystery.

We see Dakai near a fountain. His armies informed him that the Wyvern’s squad was destroyed. Dakai understood that he & his whole team is losing slowly. At that moment Nihilo reached there. an intense faceoff started between Nihilo & Dakai. Dakai understood that it was a construct just like the things that he saw in the City of Nagan. He also believed that there’s a core that keeps this tarantula alive. He is planning to kill Nihilo who is inside it. He tried to break its body with his Sword but was unable to do it. Later he breaks down spiders one leg by its own string.

Later the spider makes a web to kill down Dakai but Nihilo’s plan fails. The soldier of the city shone the Cold Star as Dakai instructed. Cold Star’s power is just unbelievable that it really immobilized Nihilo’s spider. So will she really die? let’s see.

With a maniac sound Nihilo & her spider wakes up again. The spider destroyed the tower from where the Cold was operating. Dakai is surprised by watching this. So, Nihilo mentioned that heat & impact attacks don’t affect her Tarantula. Dakai tried all the way to destroy it but was unable to do it. Later he said he is a bandit, not a Swordsman. He used the Web & jumped into the upper body of the Destroyed & cut it by using a poisonous dragger of a Mandrake ( referring to Higuare).

Dakai just stole one of the swords of Higuare which he hides inside in his body. Then Dakai used his unworldly observation power which is so powerful that he can spot the flow of nerves. Through the observation, he confirmed where the induced malfunction is present & which part of the brain to Target with the poison that acts on nerves in order to unlock the hatch. This weak point or the cut made by Soujirou & also turned out to be a keyhole for Dakai. Later he cut off the head of Nihilo.

We see Lana going upstairs. She is thinking about Higuare’s death & also unable to believe was it the World Word behind his death or not. From the tower, she saw the destruction of the whole city. At the upside, she found the Blue Star & Elea Also reached there along with Kia. Lana said the world is full of monsters & it’s her responsibility to kill them all. She turned on the blue star & big plasma beam which could easily destroy the remaining city. Before the ray of the blue beam falls on the city Kia stops it. Her power is just unbelievable because she can control a ray of light too.

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Even that’s not enough she just used one word ” vanish” to erase all the fires in the city. The city which was at the point of complete destruction washed everything with a single word. Later Lana requests Elea not to kill her. Kia also felt sorry for not being able to save this city sooner as she also wanted to hide her power. Lana said to Elea ” Though she may be a monster ( addressing Kia) you want to be a kind and beautiful professor, don’t you”. All she wants is not to kill her in front of Kia.

Elea Lastly said, ” There’s no way, this professor would do anything to hurt you”. That’s how this episode ended. So, she doesn’t want to hurt Lana. Powerful episode so far. We see how Dakai killed Nihilo & her gigantic tarantula. Also, we saw the power of Kia which is just unbelievable. That’s how the episode ended.

We are at the edge of the ending. Because the war will end soon. All Ten Episodes of ” Ishura ” are currently streaming now on Disney plus Hotstar in Japanese language along with subtitles.



Love To Watch, Explain and Decode Films and Shows Since 2014. Chemical Engineer By Degree Cinephile by Choice. I Love to Watch Anime and Games Related shows.