Soujirou In ‘Ishura’ Character Explained: Disney Plus Hotstar presents the Dark Fantasy Anime Drama series “Ishura,” which is a manga adaptation of the same name. The first episode of this series is currently streaming on Hotstar, with others coming weekly.

In the pilot episode, we got an appearance of the main hero, “Soujirou.” He is known as a Willow Sword. As people want to know more about this lead character, we are going to discuss it and also inform about the voice actor behind this character.

Before starting the discussion, let’s have a quick knowledge about the story of this anime. After defeating the Demon King, powerful heroes from different places are fighting together to prove who is the most powerful one.

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Soujirou is also known as Soujirou Yagyuu, of the Yagyuu Shinkage-Ryu. He is the last Yagyuu on this earth, a visitor from a distant place. He has a strong belief in his sword. We can say he is the greatest swordsman. While defeating a Robot Demon, Yuno is covered by lots of demons. At that time, Soujirou takes a grand entry with his sword. He is so powerful that he doesn’t even hesitate to kill down the Giant Labyrinth Golem. With a powerful strike, he killed it and won the battle and our hearts too.

He asked to know Word Arts from Yuno but later understood that he can’t use it. As Soujirou is coming from another world, he is only capable of using the sword. After watching her power, Yuno started hating him, so she invited Soujirou to come with her to Aureatia City. As there is a strong competition going on, she is actually planning to kill Soujirou with the help of someone more powerful. Though Soujirou understood her intention, he remains silent and agrees to go with her. Let’s see what surprise is waiting for them.

In the series, the voice of Soujirou is given by the famous voice artist, actor, and singer Yuki Kaji. He is 38 years old and known for various anime series. He has given his voice in “Hellsing Ultimate,” “The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh,” “One Piece – Red Film,” “My Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Mission,” and the most famous “Attack on Titan” as the voice of “Eren Yeager.”

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That’s all about the Soujirou character and also the voice artist behind it. If you have any more questions, ask in the comment section. The first episode of “Ishura” is currently streaming on Disney Plus Hotstar with the Japanese language along with subtitles.



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