“Ishura” Episode 11 Recap and Explained: “Ishura” is a twelve-episodic dark anime series based on the best-selling manga of the same Name. The anime adaptation is currently streaming now on Disney Plus Hotstar with only Ten Episodes, while the rest will come weekly.

In this article, we are gonna discuss about the recap of the eleventh episode but before this let’s have a quick recap of the story of this Anime series. There was an age of The Demon King where he controlled the whole world but after his death, all the heroes around the world gathered together to prove their powers.

Previously we see Nihilo defeated in front of Dakai. She has huge power but is unable to fight with Dakai. On the other side, We Kia is really capable of extraordinary powers she can stop the war with just a single word. War is coming to an end. Let’s see what’s waiting for us.

After the True Demon king died the enemy of the world was defeated by someone. It’s time to find out that hero.
In the Aureatia, a competition is going on for the selection of a hero. While on the other side, Taren is seeking a new order of fear. We are watching after war situation in Lithia. Dakai met with Yuno. He comes to help her with what he promised earlier. He said Lithia is finished and he wants to keep his responsibility. He said it’s not her fault that Higuare involved her in this war. He said he must be a villain But never do such thing as what happened in Nagan. Yuno is angry about revenge so she starts to use her word arts against Dakai but it’s no use.

But soon, Soujirou reached there. Taren said from the first time she knew that she wouldn’t be able to beat him but she knew that Soujirou could do it. Finally, we see what we are waiting for. People are eagerly waiting to see the battle between Dakai & Soujirou. As both are superb Swordsman. Dakai knows about Soujirou as he is the one who makes scratches on the spider’s body.

Soujirou after watching Dakai’s sword understood that he isn’t an actual swordsman these words make Dakai happy because finally, someone is able to recognise him. Yuno from her cell sends arrows that show Soujirou the way to find Her. So, Soujirou wasn’t interested in killing Taren instead he wanted to kill Dakai. They both belong to weak work so now they are finding tough competitors.

We see a tremendous action scene between Soujirou & Taren. But Dakai can recognise the speed of Soujirou but Soujirou can do simultaneous movement which is a masterful technique, faster than even the electric current & runs through consciousness. But Dakai’s sword was able to beat Soujirou in this instant moment he also realised that Soujirou had an enchanted Sword. He is able to cut off the hand of Dakai. Dakai fell down & accepted his death.

We see Regnejee hurt poorly but Curte taking care of her. Regnejee asks her to leave this city as soon as possible. Curte can’t believe that Regnejee lost. He said he made the army of swarm & protected this whole town but it’s no use now as he was defeated. He asks her to leave this place before the Aureatian army comes up. Harghent reach there & sae Curte. He introduced himself as a sixth general of the Twenty Nine officials of Aureatia. Curte trying to protect Regnejee & said that he helped her for a long time. Harghent is unable to accept this. Curte thinks Regnejee belongs to her angel of all time. The Injured Regnejee woke up again to protect the young girl but was badly shot.

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The whole scene is too emotional. As we see unreliable bonding between Regnejee Wyvern & Curte. Later we understood the fire wasn’t actually shot by Harghent instead it was Alus. A young blind girl was also hurt by this. With tearful eyes, she started to sing and her blood mixed with her tears.

On the other side, we see Taren in the dungeon killing one by one. She later met with Shalk & started to praise him. She asked him the information about the final land where the true Demon king met their end. It’s really a big question for us who is the True Demon King even though they also don’t know. But still, everyone knows the power of a true Demon king. She had reconnaissance squads explore the final land several times but each time they were thwarted.

This means some unknown monster must reside in the final land where the demon king died. In that unexplored land still, Taren’s army managed to map some areas. But the bodies of the Hero & the true Demon king still haven’t been found yet. Shalk wants to know this, as he wants to help her more. Taren can’t give him more reward from this she just handed over a letter about the Final land. Later she fired him.

Lastly, Shalk said her story gonna be end soon. He thought that Taren could make a pretty good monarch. Taren said she isn’t Monarch but that’s now how her words are finished because her later statement makes us really speechless. When Taren said, ” I’m the true Demon King”.

We finally saw the action scene between Soujirou & Dakai. But the main part of this episode is Taren as she accepts that she is the only true Demon king. Let’s see what gonna happen in the next episode.

All eleven Episodes of ” Ishura” are currently streaming now on Disney plus Hotstar in Japanese language along with subtitles. We are now heading towards the end.



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