A Killer Paradox Ending Explained: Netflix presents a South Korean crime thriller drama with investigation and action elements. The plot revolves around a college student and his dark superhero attempts. The attempt to seek justice for society puts his life in a loop of problems. This show was packed with eight episodes.

The final episode starts with a letter from Roh Bin to Lee Tang. Roh bin wanted him to move forward with his special powers and instincts. Roh bin also apologized to him for not protecting him from being exposed. Meanwhile, Nan Gam reached the hospital after the call, and saw his father’s dead boy. He got pretty much depressed and angry with Song Chon.

He came out of the hospital and talked with detectives. Later he took his car and went to catch Song Chon with the help of Roh Bin. On the way to the location, Roh bin kept talking about Lee Tang, and how innocent was his motives.

All he wanted was justice to the people who lost their lives because of criminals. He tried his best to convince them that Lee Tang is a better person and different from Song Chon. Roh Bin begged him to remove Lee Tang from every case, he even told him to arrest him for all the crimes committed by Lee Tang.

Lee Tang put a location tracker bug on Roh bin’s burner phone earlier, he guessed that Roh bin would try to surrender to the police or Song Chon. Nan Gam and Roh Bin reached the location to meet Song Chon. Later, following the tracker, Lee Tang also reached behind them. The three of them tried to confront Song Chon at all costs. Song Chon started talking about his past life.

A Killer Paradox Episode 4 Recap and Explained

When he was young, he worked with Nan Gam’s father. Once his father gave a box to Chon to give it to a lady to pass it to China by flight. During her departure, police caught her for bringing drugs in the same box as Nan Gam’s father gave her.

Song Chon was shocked to see her situation in jail, he begged to Nan Gam’s father to get her out of the case because she was completely innocent. But Nan Gam’s father pretended like he didn’t know anything. Song Chon got triggered by his replies and started hitting Nan Gam’s father’s head again and again. He was the one who killed his father but for a good cause in Chon’s mind.

After all the talks, Chon jumps to kill Lee Tang, but Nan Gam shoots him to death, and one bullet goes through Roh Bin too. Chon and Roh’s bin died on the spot, nan gam burned the whole place, and Lee Tang escaped with the guarantee from Nan Gam.

The police department concluded all the cases in the name of Song Chon and Roh Bin. When they searched Roh bin’s apartment, they found a lot of evidence of all the murders. The end of the episode shows Lee Tang working in a foreign country with a fake passport, but later the embassy transfers him to Korea. When he reached Korea, he was convinced that all the cases against him were closed by cops. Nan Gam went to normal life with the abandoned dog.

All Episode Recaps;

  1. A Killer Paradox Episode 1 Explained
  2. A Killer Paradox Episode 2 Explained
  3. A Killer Paradox Episode 3 Explained
  4. A Killer Paradox Episode 4 Recap and Explained
  5. A Killer Paradox Episode 5 Recap and Explained
  6. A Killer Paradox Episode 6 Recap and Explained
  7. A Killer Paradox Episode 7 Recap and Explained

Overall the finale was very predictable and simple. The story ended up as a crime and escape show. Everything they built up to the end went with a lack of strong movement from Lee Tang. The ending didn’t leave anything big for next season, just a question mark only, of what he will do hereafter.



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