“One Day” Series Review: Netflix presents a romantic limited series “One Day” which shows a day of each year from the life of Dexter and Emma. Each episode has a day from their life, which is 15th July of every year from year 1988 and ends in 2007. Each episode has an average of 25 minutes runtime.

The series tells the story of the meeting at a college graduation party, getting to know each other, becoming friends, and then becoming more than it. The emotional ride of the two of them with the people around them is shown in this fourteen-episodic series.

The story starts in Edinburgh in the year 1988. The story is narrated in a very short duration, so the viewers won’t get bored much if we binge it. The plot used for this series is a very predictable story, we have seen the same story in many series for years. If we look at the content it is very thin, the writer used a small thread and wrote it very long. Sometimes we feel repetitive scenes throughout the series. The locations used were very minimal, most of the scenes are shot inside the house and some bars. If we look we can see the budget is also very thin.

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If we look on the good side there are only very less things to note, we can say the cast did a good job also the cinematography is also a good work. Editing also did well cutting unwanted scenes at some points and trimming in a way that it won’t be too long. The story happens in 90’s so the setting and the properties are made to recreate those times.

The time when phones were a very rare thing, from landlines to mobile phones they showed both of them that matched those times. The art department is well doing in recreating those interiors, books, and many things. Also, the costumes are designed to match it.

The main factor of the series is the cast acted as Emma and Dexter. Dexter Mayhew’s character is portrayed by Leo Woodall and Emma Morley by Ambika Mod. Both the casts did their work at its best even though they are new artists. Their combination scenes were acted in very passionate and intense. The series is based on David Nicholls’ worldwide bestselling novel of the same name, the creator Nicole Taylor did justification to the novel by not overdoing what was written.

Also Read: “One Day” Ending Explained

Overall the series is a watchable one. When we look at a number of episodes it’s fourteen and we think as it’s long. But when we look at the runtime it’s just 25minutes.

So I didn’t see any boring scenes or big lags. If you like to watch an emotional romantic drama “One Day” is a good-to-go series. I rate 2 out of 5 for this drama as the plot is very predictable and didn’t see anything more to get hooked to the show.

  •  Lead casts
  •  Art department
  •  short duration episodes
  • Predictable story
  • The simple plot made it to fourteen episodes
  •  Not have anything to make viewers need for the next episodes



A Diehard Fan Of Films and Tv Shows. Masters In English Literature. Writing Reviews and Explainers Since 5 Years. Covered More than 3000+ Films and Tv Shows