A Killer Paradox Episode 1: Netflix presents a crime thriller psychological Korean drama with eight episodes. The plot revolves around a young man named Lee Tang who unexpectedly encounters a man on his way home, turns out that the dead victim was a serial killer who’s been hiding for a long time. The rest of the story tells about the aftermath of back-to-back murders by Lee Tang.

The second episode begins with a weird dream of Lee Tang. He saw a dog chasing him in his dreams. Later, Lee Tang went to visit his mother, she was getting ready to go to the church, she took Lee Tang Along with her to the church. She told him that, they can’t afford the educational expenses for Lee Tang’s college like other parents do for their children.

She also mentioned about the death of a serial killer near his store. The Public was convinced that, the death of that serial killer was a good thing. Lee Tang started believe that, what he did was because of the influence of some kind of god nature around him. Meanwhile, Detective Jang Nan Gam went to meet his parents at the hospital, his dad was admitted there for a long time.

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Lee Tang started to recover slowly from the trauma he got during the murder. He went to back to his routine normal life, he went to part-time work at a convenience store. A new customer came to store and purchased a cigarette pack. While making the bill, he looked at the customer’s face.

The customer was the blind lady with the dog, whom he met during the murder night. He was shocked to see her at that time, she kept talking about the night. She finally said that, she is not at all blind, she has one perfect eye and she completely witnessed what happened on that night.

The lady ordered him to arrange a two million won amount for a bribe. Lee Tang got shocked to hear the threat from her. She already have the hammer of Lee Tang In her possession. If she goes to the cops, with the hammer proof, Lee Tang will have to go to jail. After the threat, she left the shop, Lee Tang got worried in fear. He asked his friends some money and he somehow arranged it.

He took the many and waited for the lady. She gave note to him to come to her house directly with the money. During the conversation, she mentioned that this two million won shall be paid monthly by him or else she will go to the police. Lee Tang took the hammer and hit her head, she died within minutes.

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After few days, the paper boy noted something off with the house and called the police. The lady died on the balcony, cops started their investigation. They found some traces of a skeleton at her place. Forensics looked further on to the skeleton and found that it’s been there for five years. At night, two teenage boys stabbed a cop with knife. While escaping, Lee Tang saw them and killed them with the hammer.

The next day he woke up on bed without any proper memories from the incident. Someone helped him reach home after the murder. Let’s find out more details of the murders on the next episode.

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