“Shogun” Episode 9 Recap and Explained: FX originally presented a ten-episodic American historical action war drama series ” Shogun” and is currently streaming now in Hulu & Disney+ Hotstar. In this article, we are going to discuss about the recap of the Ninth episode. But before we start began let’s know about the story of this series.

The series is an adaptation of a best-selling novel ” Shogun” written by James Clavell in 1975. The series shows Japan in the era of 1600 when the Civil War emerged. Lord Toranaga trying to fight against the Council of Regents who want to defeat him.

So, Toranaga lost his son Nagakodo & friend Hiromatsu. By this, he got more time to think. Now it’s time to pay back. What will happen? Let’s see in the recap of episode 9.

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14 years ago, in Shonai Region, In a windy cold place we see pregnant lady Mariko. This is the third time he caught by the guard. As for acknowledgement, she is a daughter of Akechi Jinsai. Her husband Buntaro showed mercy on her but she still seeks death. We See Alvito started to talk with her & give her comfort. He gives her a cross from where she can feel comfortable. Young Mariko was so sad that she unable to accept what was going on with her.

Back into the present, the episode is named as ” Crimson Sky”. Started Blackthorne, Mariko & Yabushige in the same boat heading towards to Osaka. Blackthorne asks her why she is here & Mariko replies she is just travelling. Yabushige approached there & instructed Blackthorne to stay close while they met with Ishido’s army. Blackthorne agreed. We see Yabushige have a huge hate towards Osaka. Later they approached into the city which was covered with guards.

After approaching there, they first met with Lord Ohon’s family. Mariko informed Balckthrone that, all noble family is now hostage in this castle & they can’t oppose him. Yabushige said they gonna met with Ishido tomorrow & then they will talk about the proposal with him. Mariko talked with lord Ohno’s family & understood their pain. They asked what Lord Toranaga is doing & Mariko just handed over one scroll to Ohno. Watching it Ohno said, ” Let’s hope this works”.

Alvito talked with his own people. As they think Toranga is planning to do something bigger. Alvito thinks Toranaga will not do anything. As he said, Toranaga is given up. But they are unable to believe as they think war is coming.

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Later it’s meeting time with Ishido. Blackthorne & Yabushige is ready to meet Ishido in a grand scale where lots of people gathered. Blackthorne met with Kiyama, one of the members of the Council of Regents. Blackthorne understood that he was the most humble servant of the lord in High & also a servant of Portuguese. Kiyama said he has lots of pirates in this country & Blackthorne is very late now.

Mariko approached there too. Ishido is gathered with Lady Ochiba with him. Ishido asked Yabushige what he wanted to see. Yabushige replied that on behalf of Toranaga, he wants to sacrifice his life & he also offered his condolences for the death of Taiko’s brilliant wife. Ishido is unable to belive these words from a traitor. As Yabushige knows that he is a traitor he wants to gift, Blackthorne to Ishido. He also said Blackthorne is Toranaga’s Hatamoto. He added Blackthorne is a well-skled pirate. Ishido replied that the Heir had no interest in Barbarian, so he dismissed them.

Then Mariko reached there, she met Ochiba after a lot of time. They finally faced each other. First Mariko, greeted & congratulated them for their engagement. She said her lord Toranaga is still mourning on the death of his own son. Ochiba also said they spent many years in Azuchi together. They started sharing their childhood memories. Later Mariko demanded that she leave Osaka tomorrow with Kiri & Shizu, to meet their Liege lord in Edo. Mariko just not stop herself she was ready for all the answers.

Previous Episodes: “Shogun” Episode 8 Recap and Explained

She wants to return with her lords that’s what she demanded. Ishido ordered Mariko to remain in Osaka untill he made far more choices. But, Mariko is just amazing she doesn’t hesitate to speak more. And she said again that, her first duty is for her Liege lord and she ordered to leave this country. When Ishido wants to close this matter she doesn’t even hesitate & speaks to him.

Lastly, she said, ” I’m not a peasant to be trodden on”. She reminded everyone that she was the daughter of Akechi Jinsai. So, her line has been samurai for a thousand years & she will never be captive, hostage or confined. Her bravery makes the reagent speechless. Later Ishido asked her to leave till the reagent thought about it.

Yabushige is unable to understand what happened with Mariko as Mariko thinks that ” tonight was unexpected”. Yabushige asks her about Toranaga’s plan but she chooses to take rest & remain silent. As Blackthorne also asked her, she only said that she wanted to take a rest as she gonna leave tomorrow morning. If Ishido stops her then it will be forcefully hostage someone. Later in the morning, Mariko’s son took the message of Lord Kiyama. As Kiyama asked Mariko to remain in Osaka. He also said if Mariko unfollows his order he will be not his son anymore.

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All of this for what? As Mariko is ready to leave along with Kiri & Shizu. The lady is so consistent in her orders & disrespects lord Ishido’s orders. As guards stopped her she said that she was following her Liege lord & escorting his ladies into Edo. Guards are unable to fulfil her request without any permit. Mariko thinks she has no choice left so she orders her own guards to kill those gatekeepers. The whole scene was so captivating as a young lady unfollowed the rules & orders of the ruling lord & left that place because she wanted to follow her own lord.

She asked her man ” Miyai” to take in charge of killing all the men as guards. She lost & outnumbered by Ishido’s soldiers. Then she ask Kiyama & Lord Ohno to order these men to of her way. Kiyama & Ohno said they are powerless as these men are Ishido’s. After hearing this she reminded everyone that, all the lord presents here are kept here against their own will. Mariko said she is a vassal of Lord Toranaga & her order is clear & she must be permitted to obey her lord.

The real action begins, she takes her sword & tries so hard to fight with them. But she can’t, as unable to fight with all these men. Meanwhile, Ochiba watched her closely. As Mariko is unable to fight with them & unable to fulfil her duty, she wants to take her life at sunset. She told Kiyama that it’s a mortal sin to take own life.

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Later, a meeting was called between Kiyama, Ohno, Ishido & Ochiba. They all discuss about lady Mariko & Ochiba says she will do whatever she says, its her vengeance. Mariko will die to be free of this disgrace that has burdened her & then all of Osaka will be disgraced for letting her die. If Mariko dies then there will be a revolt from every high family in Osaka & if she is allowed to leave the hostages so demands to leave. A tough choice must be taken by Ishido.

Later we see, the Anjin has been summoned for an audience with the heir. So, he met with Ochiba. Ochiba knows that he can understand Japanese. But, Blackthorne requests her to use simple words. Mariko soon reached there too. Ochiba asks Mariko to stop these games and Mariko thinks this isn’t a game. Ochiba said she can’t bring nobility to her lord’s warmongering. Mariko said her lord just want to end this fight. Later Ochiba wants Anjin to know about their past when they are close friends. Mariko started translating, as they were grew up like sisters.

Ochiba said their fathers were enemies, they were bearing their misery. Then, war raged, but Ochiba had only Mariko as she was her only happiness. But later, Ochiba was sent away. Ochiba can’t believe that, Mariko is wished to become a martyr. She also saw anger inside Mariko who seeks destruction. Ochiba said her order is now only to protect her son, who is the heir. Later Mariko replied, accepting death isn’t surrender, she said “Flowers are only flowers because they call.” We see pain in both of their eyes.

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Blackthorne requests Mariko to stop these. But Mariko is so consistent. Later we see, A guys come with a message of Ishido & hand over that to Yabushige. Ishido’s offered Yabushige to service instead of death . Alvito talked with Mariko. As he is amazed that all these years Mariko still have that cross with her. She wants to confess near to him. She confessed all of her sins. Will Mariko really sacrifice herself? Let’s see.

In front of everyone, she is on the way to sacrifice herself. But nobody is coming forward to give her death. On her way to accepting death by own, Blackthorne stopped her as he wants to do it. Right that moment, the door shut down & Ishido comes. He permitted her to leave in the morning . The sudden unexpected spare Mariko’s life. Others also demanded to leave Osaka , so Ishido replied that no one is hostage in this castle now. If anybody wants to leave,he/ she can apply for permits. That’s how she escaped from the death.

Later everyone celebrated of freedom & Yabushige in the night killed a man secretly. He started to killing more man & invited assassins inside the castle. In this dark night those assassins also tried to take Mariko but Blackthorne saved her. Later we understood that these are ” Shinobi” & come for Mariko.

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They understood this attack is from Lord Ishido. As Blackthorne, Yabushige tried hard to escape from this but Mariko is ready to sacrifice herself. She knows that all of these happened for her. Then with a huge blow, we see Mariko fall down.

As Ishido give one last chance to Yabushige ,so he cleared the path for those Shinobi’s & killed several guards to let them in. Mariko understood this is all happened by her. She sacrifices her life of the shameful attack of Ishido. The ninth episode ended with huge tragedy. Breathtaking performance by Mariko & Ochiba. Now , the crucial character of this series died. Let’s see, What will be Toranaga’s last movement.

We are heading towards to the last episode. All nine episodes of ” Shogun” is currently streaming now in Disney plus hotstar & Hulu with English language along with subtitles.



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