Parasyte The Grey Episode 4 Recap and Explained: Netflix presents ‘Parasyte: The Grey’ a supernatural fantasy show. This show is a new addition to the South Korean fantasy thriller dramas list. The plot revolves around the war between human beings and parasites. A bunch of parasites took control of some human beings for the sake of their existence.

They started to butcher and kill other humans without any hesitation. A special task force called Grey Team has been appointed to eliminate the parasitic threat from society.

Episode 4 opens with a conference meeting inside the police station. Superior officers are discussing about the issues and remedies for the parasite situation. Choi Jun Kyung and Team Grey captured Jeong Su In as a parasite-host. She convinces her superior officers that Jeong Su In is a dangerous threat to society. Detective Chul Min gets triggered by her attitude, he questions superior officers about the x-ray results of Jeong Su In.

The team grey couldn’t find the resemblance or characteristics of the parasite inside Jeong Su In’s brain. Choi Jun Kyung thinks that Jeong Su In is a mutant and still a threat to society. At the end of the arguments, superior officers order them to transfer Jeong Su In into their headquarters along with Choi Jun Kyung.

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Outside the office, Jeong Su In is being hostage in a huge van. She is wearing a giant helmet that records every moment inside her brain. The grey team arranged heavy security to protect Jeong Su In, and one of them noticed strange activity on the monitor. On a strange dream, Jeong Su In suddenly standing in the middle of nowhere, Heidi, the parasite inside her took Jeong Su In into a deep state of her brain. Heidi explains to Jeong Su In about the threat she’s facing from the parasite. Heidi warns Jeong Su that she’s going to die soon.

Back at the office, Detective Chul Min shares the new route with his close friend detective, who’s already an inside man of the parasites. Detective Chul Min searches for Seol Kang Woo’s whereabouts, he finds out about the crime charges and records of Seol Kang Woo.

Detective Chul Min finds out the current location of Seol Kang Woo, he goes to handcuff him. Seol Kang Woo is seen buying tickets for a bus at the station. He thinks no one is watching him, so he enters the bus secretly, and Detective Chul Min appears in his nearest seat and puts handcuffs on Seol Kang Woo. Later, Detective Chul Min took Seol Kang Woo to his car and told him to explain everything from the start. Meanwhile, Seol Kang Woo confesses that he saw a police officer killing Choi Jun Kyung’s husband outside the park.

More Episodes: Parasyte The Grey Episode 1: Recap and Explained

He points out the identity of the killer on Detective Chul Min’s phone. The criminal cop already leaked the details of Jeong Su In’s dispatch. Detective Chul Min seems shocked when he realises that his close friend betrayed him.

Detective Chul Min explains to Seol Kang Woo that, Jeong Su In will be transferred to the headquarters and someone needs to help her escape. Seol Kang Woo initially didn’t accept Detective Chul Min’s request, he said it was too much risky for him. Detective Chul Min finally convinced Seol Kang Woo to get on board with the mission. At the police station, special forces are securing the parameters.

Seol Kang Woo goes inside the police station, and one of the soldiers notices him, Seol Kang Woo fights and takes his uniform and gun. Seol Kang Woo goes near the van, and another soldier leaves for food and tells Seol Kang Woo to protect Jeong Su In.

Choi Jun Kyung suddenly changed the whole plan, she ordered the special task force to start transferring Jeong Su to the headquarters. While everyone is busy with starting their vehicles, Detective Chul Min rushes into his car to follow Choi Jun Kyung and his team. While Detective Chul Min starts the car, Won Seok suddenly appears and joins along with him.

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On their way to the headquarters, they got stuck in the middle of a bridge. The parasites took control of the place by increasing the traffic. They start killing everyone with their heads open. Choi Jun Kyung and the task force tries their best to protect Jeong Su In. Seol Kang Woo from inside the van, breaks the helmet and takes away Jeong Su In.

Choi Jun Kyung notices Jeong Su In leaving the van, she tries to shoot at her but is interfered by parasites. Won Seok tells Detective Chul min to get inside the car to chase Jeong Su In and Seol Kang Woo. On their way, Won Seok diverted the car to the pastor’s place, where he explained his relationship between Saejin church and parasites. Jeong Su In senses something off going on with Detective Chul min, she rushes towards him.

Pastor tries to attack Jeong Su In , but Detective Chul min suddenly shoots him and the Parasite inside him immediately jumps ito Detective Chul Min’s head. Seol Kang Woo comes again with his car and took away Jeong Su In from the parasite. In the end, the parasite inside the pastor transferred into Detective Chul min.

Overall the fourth episode looks stunning. The production quality is peak in this episode. Action sequences are the main highlight of this episode. The ending part of this episode is highly unpredictable. Can’t wait to watch the next episode.



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