Shogun Episode 6 Recap and Explained: FX originally presented a ten-episodic American historical action war drama series ” Shogun” is currently streaming now on Hulu & Disney+ Hotstar. In this article, we are going to discuss about the recap of the six episodes. But before we start began let’s know about the story of this series.

The series is an adaptation of a best-selling novel ” Shogun” written by James Clavell in 1975. The series shows Japan in the era of 1600 when the Civil War emerged. Lord Toranaga trying to fight against the Council of Regents who want to defeat him.

Previously we have seen Lady Ochiba return to Osaka to push the Regents to take action against Toranaga. Let’s see what will happen next. 22 years ago In Azuchi Castle. We see young Mariko & Ochiba. Mariko saw her terror life In her childhood days. Later she married Buntaro who became an alliance for both families. We see the deepest Bonding between Mariko & Ochiba. Later she split her friendship after marrying Buntaro.
After Mariko left from there Ochiba’s father was murdered in Kyoto. As we understood she also faced a dark past.

We see later that Ochiba went into Taiko’s castle. Taiko’s wife is unable to give her husband a perfect heir. So, Ochiba became a woman who may lose everything she’s ever had but she may also take it back. She became the wife of Taiko & made a relationship that she never wished for.

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Let’s back to the present. Toranaga talks with his alliance & all close persons in the middle of the night. As Blackthorne saved Toranga during the earthquake he granted him a flight near Kanagawa worth of 600 Koku. He is also elected as chief admiral of the Kanto & general in charge of the cannon regiment. Blackthorne accepts this reward. After the massive earthquake, the village lost more than a thousand people. Now it’s time to recover. In this situation, Yabushige asked Omi how they would be able to face Ishido. Omi is very angry after Blackthorne gets everything. Yabushige comforts him.

On the other side, we see both Blackthorne & Mariko praying to God for the loss. Buntaro seeks forgiveness after what he did with Mariko & Blackthorne. Buntaro understood that he was not longer a useful guy so Toranaga asked him to divorce Mariko. Tauranga ordered him to isolate himself from Mariko for seven days.
Blackthorne also reaches there as he is sorry for the loss of Armies of Toranaga. As he thought that he is worthy of these rewards he wanted to leave Japan .

Blackthorne will stay if he gets back his ship so that he can sail against the Portuguese. Blackthorne also wished to attack the black ship in order to harm trade in ports controlled by the Catholic Regents. Toranga replied that the Portuguese were a friendly nation & he would never attack their vessel. Blackthorne replied that The Portugese are only here for their own profit. Toranaga understood everything and asked Mariko to stay.

Later He asks Mariko what’s happening between her & Blackthorne. Mariko replied nothing just words. Toranaga don’t want to tolerate this disruption in his clan as they are dangerously close to defeat. Toranaga don’t want to fulfil the request of Blackthorne & asks Mariko to control hi.s mind by arranging him a night in a brothel. Tauranga ordered the hiring of the finest courtesan to satisfy Blackthorne.

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On the other side, we see Ishido’s rage. He took all the Regents in hostage. So they’ve been locked in the Castle along with their families. So, basically, he wants to force them to vote against Toranaga. We see Hiromatsu telling the lady Shizu to leave as soon as possible. As a young girl is pregnant they can’t move so fast so the ladies ask Hiromatsu to warn Toranaga himself. We also see Father Alvito talking with Eminence about the locking of Osaka Castle as Ishido claims there is a plot to kill the Heir. He also informed that Ishido ordered not to leave anyone till they found the fifth member to vote against Toranaga’s impeachment.

They understood that this was all of the conspiracy of Lady Ochiba to eliminate Toranaga. Father Alvito thinks Toranga could be their alliance but Eminence replied that man is a Minowara. Regiments who were in the castle understood that they were in a hostage. Ochiba’s people said that she chose the wrong alliance. But Ochiba stays in her decision. Later they ask Lord Ito to vote against Toranaga. It was played as Toranaga on the stage. She ordered Ishido to eliminate Toranaga as soon as possible. We understand that she really hates Tauranga. It’s still unclear what’s the reason behind this hatred.

Hiromatsu reaches in the village where Toranaga staying in. He informed everyone about Ishido. Nagakodo became frustrated as his father was always loyal to the Heir Ochiba. A small group of alliances & one suggested to Toranaga that the time has come for ” Crimson Sky”. Yabushige wants to know what is it. It’s a plan formulated long ago, a single, violent rush on Osaka Castle by which they can eliminate the council and form a new government with Toranaga and Sole Regent. They said to ask Saeki Nobutatsu, lord Toranaga’s half-brother to join forces with him.

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Omi said a fifth council member is obedient to Ishido, will mean Toranga’s death sentence. Omi also doesn’t want to take ” crimson sky” as they have much time. Nagakodo said to his father to reclaim their family legacy & become Shogun. Toranga after taking advice from others decided not to launch ” Crimson Sky” & he has never sought to be a Shogun. He wants a perfect plan that isn’t certain death.

Later Mariko advised to bring Lady Kiku for Blackthorne. The one who is an charge of the brothel is Lady Gin , who said because of the earthquake poor Kiku had four kosodes ruined by water. She ordered for 500 monme for Kiku to satisfy Blackthorne. After she heard that Balckthrone is a Hatamoto & the chief admiral of Toranaga’s cannon regiment she became speechless. Mariko asks her to settle in 200 monme.

The lady Gin told her to join with them as she heard the connection between her & Balckthrone. Mariko said it was her duty as a translator. Later she settled in 300 monme. But Kiku is a love interest of Omi. When Omi Heard that Kiku would go to comfort Blackthorne he became angry. He is unable to understand why Toranga giving value to Blackthorne.

Mariko later met with Blackthorne & informed him about Lady Kiku who is the most coveted Courtesan in Izu. Later they reached in Gin’s tea house ( the brothel). Later Koku joined to serve Blackthorne. Koku wished to explain to Blackthorne of the meaning of the Willow World. She said people come into this tea house to forget pain, hardship, boredom or it can be a disappointment. They believe this place is a physical pleasure but it can be more. Koku meets with people with different life or circumstances.

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By this, She talks about the please what people found in a brothel. She takes behind Mariko & Mariko translating all words. During this Blackthorne watches her closely, her pain, her desires all other things.
Later Koku asked Blackthorne to come into the private room. We see Toranga met with Mariko & she said that Blackthorne was pleased with his gift.

Toranaga asks Mariko about her childhood where she was close with Ochiba no Kata. Mariko said in childhood she was “Ruri”. After she became Ochiba she didn’t meet with her. Toranga wants to know what turned her against them . Mariko said ” Fate & Hardship”. Mariko said a man goes to war for many reasons which could be pride and power, but a woman is simply at war. Toranaga told Mariko that her marrying her off because it was his plan. His father wants to put her as far away from his fight as possible so that the young girl can survive. After over the years, she understood her father.

Ishido said to his Council that Lord Ito was loyal to the heir & he gonna join them. Two people are happy with Ito but Sugiyama don’t. Sugiyama said he would not conduct a vote untill all the hostages are released. He also said Ishido dishonoured the wisher of great Taiko. Ishido said Sugiyama also dishonoured the most loyal servant of the realm. Later Sugiyama left there.

Ochiba can’t wait because before voting against Toranaga they impeached Sugiyama. Ochiba said her hatred started from her childhood in Azuchi. She watched him whispering, plotting with Akechi Jinsai to take Ochiba’s father’s life. She knows that Akechi tools his father’s life but it was Toranaga who planned it. Ishido after hearing this asks Ochiba to publicise these words. Ochiba said it was useless as nobody could take his life easily & he must feel what she felt to give Taiko a son.

She talked about Daiyoin who drugs her with bitter herbs & forces her to endure unmentionable things in order to conceive. She becomes the mother of the heir by compelling fate to look at her. She forced Ishido to hurry.

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Later we see Ishido take life Sugiyama while he tries to leave Osaka. Ishido will soon control the council. Toranga and all his followers heard this step of Ishido. He expects to be falsely impeached & war will be declared by his clan. He desires nothing but if the traitors place the Taiko’s heir in danger then he must defend him at any cost. But what will he gonna do against their mother Ochiba?

He declared the Crimson Sky & informed everyone to send a message to his brother to seek support, after that they’ll rush Osaka and obliterate their enemies. By saying ” Time has come” he inspired all of his clan.

Both Ishido & Toranaga are going against each other and they are not gonna follow rules. The pain Ochiba got she seeks revenge against Toranga. As she knows he induced Akechi to kill her father & she got so much pain to become the mother of heir of Taiko.

Let’s see what gonna happen next. Six episodes of Shogun are currently streaming now on Hulu rest will come weekly.



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