Queen of Tears Episode 9: Netflix presents “Queen of Tears” a sixteen episodic Korean romantic drama. Baek Hyun Woo and Hong Hae In were a married couple living in Hong Hae In’s house. Hong Hae In is heir to the Queen’s empire. Baek Hyun Woo works at Queen’s company even though he married Hong Hae In. The relationship between them was not good after the marriage.

Things change when Hong Hae In’s ex-boyfriend comes into join hands with Queen’s group. Queen’s group chairman gets cheated on by his second wife and gets in a comma. How the family regains their throne and how Hong Hae In’s and Baek Hyun Woo’s relationship gets stronger is the story of this series.

Episode 9 started with a flashback of what happened behind the scenes before Hong Hae In’s family went to Baek Hyun Woo’s home. Hong Hae In was in their car to enter their home after coming from the hospital. But the media and press were in front of their house which made them unable to approach the house. Hong Hae In’s mother called her staff for entry. She told them to come through the backside.

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When they went to the backside she was waiting there with media to take pictures of the family getting ashamed in front of her by not being able to enter the house. The photographers were hidden nearby.  As the family approached her, she said they didn’t have access to a house or cars or any properties and their company access card also got revoked. As they spoke car was taken away by staff by the order of the lady. As the photographers were ready to take pictures, Baek Hyun Woo arrived in a van and took Hong Hae In’s family inside his village.

Hong Hae In’s family is not happy with their current stay. They are calling their family and friends but none of them are accepting calls or helping them for stay or money. Everyone washed up for dinner. As Hong Hae In’s father started eating, he was amazed of the taste and started eating. But Hong Hae In’s brother doesn’t like the place, he needed sealed water and food. But Hong Hae In beat him and scolded him to eat that. Hong Soo Cheol is sad that his wife cheated on him and left him with his kid. Baek Hyun Woo sibling’s were washing plates in the kitchen.

Hong Hae In came there to ask if any help was needed. Baek Hyun Woo’s siblings asked Hong Hae In if the divorce was true and if couldn’t they join hands again. Hong Hae In told them that she wouldn’t be rejoining Baek Hyun Woo in future. Baek Hyun Woo’s siblings told her some girls were asking for Baek Hyun Woo’s number and asked can she give it. Hong Hae In tells her to give it as she doesn’t have any affection with Baek Hyun Woo.

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Baek Hyun Woo showed the room to Hong Soo Cheol, but he was not happy as it was not as good as his house. While Hong Hae In was listening to music in an mp3 player from Baek Hyun Woo’s room, Hong Hae In asked Baek Hyun Woo where did he got this as the music taste is similar to Hong Hae In. Baek Hyun Woo says he got from the school he studied, apparently, it was the same as Hong Hae In. As a surprise it was Hong Hae In’s mp3 player which was lost when she was studying in school, it still has that logo of hers.

Apparently, that old Hong Hae In was Baek Hyun Woo’s crush and ideal type. Hong Hae In asks about the girl and the mp3 player, but Baek Hyun Woo doesn’t know it is Hong Hae In’s and the girl is Hong Hae In. Yoon Eun Seong meets his mother and asks why she threw the Queen’s family from their home as the shares are still not hers. His mother says she has been waiting for this day for a long time and she won’t stop on this.

The secretary who cheated Queen’s family came to meet Yoon Eun Seong to talk about her new shop. But Yoon Eun Seong told her she didn’t have anything. Apparently, Yoon Eun Seong used her for information. Yoon Eun Seong went to Hong Hae In’s room and found her health card. Yoon Eun Seong checked the information from their health card and found out she had cancer.

He got very sad and got angry at the doctor for getting the treatment. Baek Hyun Woo told Hong Hae that Yoon Eun Seong made a scene at the hospital.

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Baek Hyun Woo was followed by the guy who did a double contract for the Queen’s property buyings and scammed the people. The guy came with goons to beat Baek Hyun Woo. As Hong Hae In called Baek Hyun Woo, Yoon Eun Seong came to see Hong Hae In with Baek Hyun Woo’s phone ringing in his hand. The episode ended with Baek Hyun Woo fighting with the goons.

The episode was very good. Now the family is at Baek Hyun Woo’s house, it’s very funny in many portions. They did an open ending in this episode as we don’t know what happened after the fight.



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