Iron Reign Episode 4 Recap and Explained: Netflix released “Iron Reign” a Spanish crime thriller eight episodic series. The story happens in a port were the cargo ships were unloaded. The people working there are part of the drug syndicate. They use the port to help the cartels smuggle drugs through their port outside for a 30% commission. A big shipment named Czar’s Mail has come to their port in Barcelona. Things go sideways when Joaquin Manchado gets a murder attempt on him and is hospitalized.

Episode 4 starts with a flashback of Ricardo playing basketball in a tournament. Joaquin Manchado and his wife with Ricardo’s sister clap for Ricardo. But Ricardo couldn’t land the ball in the basket. They won the match but Ricardo couldn’t score much. Joaquin Manchado got a bad impression on Ricardo like he couldn’t do anything well.

Previous Episode: “Iron Reign” Episode 3 Recap and Explained

Cut to the present, the sergeant got the photo of the undercover agent who was in the port. The photo is not shown, only the sergeant saw it. At the port, Joaquin Manchado’s brother asks for Victor. Victor showed the CCTV footage of the container getting thrown to Joaquin Manchado to Joaquin Manchado’s family. They think the container wouldn’t have gone outside without them knowing. The drug dealer comes to the port and warns Nestor about a similar drug in the market and gives a name to the guy.

Nestor and their uncle go out looking for that drug, and Victor and the sergeant look for the containers inside the port. Ricardo asks for money from his sister. He promises her he won’t do any dealings again. Ricardo sees his truck is missing at the port. There was a flashback shown where Ricardo allows leave for the staffs but Joaquin Manchado comes and advices him not to be soft to others.

Nestor and uncle found the house of the guy who had the drug. They ran and caught him when he tried to escape. After beating and hanging to the building that guy told the details of the drugs. He told them the dealers got stash from South America and they are cooking at El Prat. They call it Lasagra. Nestor and uncle go to one of the labs they got info about.

There were many security and lab workers doing drugs. Nestor and their uncle take their guns and infiltrate the warehouse. They find the dolls that had drugs on them which came in the czar’s mail. The security see them and starts a shootout. After too many shootouts by both teams, they all get dead or wounded except Nestor and Uncle. Uncle saw the truck inside the warehouse which was Ricardo’s truck. They leave the place.

More From The Show: “Iron Reign” Episode 3 Recap and Explained

Victor with the sergeant looks for containers. Suddenly the dog barks at one container and Victor checks the container. It was not the drugs. Suddenly he sees a container on top of him like it’s gonna fall on him. He runs from there, the sergeant mocks him like he knows he is an undercover agent. The girl who works at the port goes to the police station romances an officer and looks for the evidence of Joaquin Manchado at the boss’s office. She takes evidence from the box.

There is a flashback of Ricardo with his mother at the hospital. His mother was in hospital very ill. When Ricardo met her she told him to promise her that he won’t do gambling again. She told him that Joaquin Manchado knows him gambling as his brother told him. Ricardo got angry with his uncle. Cut to the present, Ricardo’s sister was told about Ricardo’s truck at the drug lab. She says he won’t do that thing.

Ricardo’s sister took the money in a bag and gave it to Ricardo. And asked him if he had stolen those drugs, Ricardo explained to her that his truck was missing from the port and also it would be his uncle framing him. She tells him to leave the place before they all gonna kill him. Ricardo went to the money lender and gave that money, but it was not full debt so he proposed an offer to them.

As the drugs are outside if they team up they could find it and sell it on their own and take out the port with him at the top and they get half each. They both agree to the deal. At the end of the episode in revenge against his uncle Ricardo and his new friends kill the lady his uncle loves in her flat. As the uncle came he saw the police taking his body. Ricardo visits Joaquin Manchado and leaves there.

Next Episode: ‘Iron Reign’ Episode 5 Recap and Explained

Overall this episode was thrilling and very engaging. With the new development in the story we got to see the drugs getting spread. And Ricardo has a change of plan now. Let’s see how he gonna get the drugs with his new ally when other teams are out there killing for the same drugs.



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