Monsieur Spade Episode 4: AMC presents another crime drama with the creators of the series “The Queen’s Gambit”. The show tells the story of a veteran detective Samuel Spades who is a famous character from Dashiell Hammett’s 1930 novel The Maltese Falcon. Samuel goes to deliver his late friend’s daughter to her father in France, but her father is a bad guy which makes Samuel to live there to finish the promise he made to his friend.

The episode starts with a flashback of Jacques coming to meet Gabrielle after a long time. Jacques betrayed their country and now trying to flee to Argentina. As they meet, Gabrielle asks how can he betray own country for others. As he talks Gabrielle shoots him, and following Gabrielle many other officers starts shooting bullets over him. These shooters include Patrice too.

As they shoot over there, Phillipe and his mother were watching it from a long distance. Everything was a trap for killing Jacques. Cut to Samuel’s home, he was struggling with the attacker strangling him. All of a sudden Henry comes and attacks the attacker. Samuel and Henry’s mother get saved. Samuel fights with the attacker and enquires the information about who and why sent him.

Monsieur Spade Episode 4

Samuel asks why everyone is killing for this boy. The guy says he doesn’t know anything, all he has is a mission to get the boy, if there is no boy then get the girl. Samuel tells the guy that they are on the same side and warns them not to ever come to his home.

The other intruder is dead by gunshot is floating at Samuel’s pool. Patrice came to check the body. The guy had a gunshot at his eyes, but Henry says he shot on the shoulders and he didn’t kill that guy. Apparently, the guy is also from French intelligence. George and Cynthia were there too, they asked what would have happened at the pool. Seeing them speak about the murder Samuel felt suspicious.

Samuel warns Henry about telling to him before he gets to know reality, as Samuel finds out Henry is on duty and has been watching out as per the order as he is sub-lieutenant. Marguerite goes to see Pierce’s father, he is aged and ill and he regrets his doings on his son. The bar attendant gives Zayid to Pierce as his family is afraid of the French intelligence and others over the kid.

You Like The Previous Episodes;

  1. Monsieur Spade Episode 1 Explained
  2. Monsieur Spade 2 Episode Explained
  3. Monsieur Spade Episode 3 Explained

Pierce calls Phillipe and says he has the kid. Samuel and Patrice visit the Fitzsimmons at their home. They are having food at the home, and while they are eating Samuel checks for suspicious things at the home. He finds an antenna at the top of the house and a locked garage door.

Teresa goes to Phillip’s home and gives back the dress his mother gave to her. At the end of the episode, Phillipe comes to Samir’s house where the boy is hidden. Phillipe killed the guy who was watching over Samir’s home. Phillip says he was from Saudi Intelligence and he took care of him.

And also says the kid will be safe with him. Phillipe whistles to Zayd with a tone, and Zayd replies with a finishing whistle and they go from there.



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