What Happened to Margaret At The End Of ‘Expats’?: Expats” is a six-episodic Amazon series currently streaming now with multiple languages along with subtitles. After releasing the last episode we got a lot of questions in our Minds. The last episode wasn’t a clear one but we are going to clear our queries. So, let’s start.

Before we start our discussion let’s have a quick recap of the story of this series. The series is all about the Hongkong people & their lifestyle but we also know the story of a mother who lost her child. We see the circumstances she faced due to losing her child.

The final episode shows the Fate of Margaret. She understood her life without Gus. But can’t express it to anyone she believes that nobody could understand her grief. She went into the cafe to meet with Mercy, the lady who was behind Losing Gus. She asked Mercy to move on. As Margaret understood that thinking about Gus is not matter at all. She also met with Hilary & said sorry.

She cursed a lot to David but she apologised as she wasn’t in a good state of mind back then. she walked away from everything, apologizing to everyone. Because she has not yet told anyone about his secret apartment.

At the last scene, we see that we went to her family in the Airport. While walking there she just understands the value of her lost child. She stops back & asks her family to go to America alone. Daisy became angry on her & Philip hugged his mom tightly. Clarke understands Margaret’s feelings & takes his child towards the gate & says that she will come soon.

After that, she walked onto the roads of Hong Kong & disappeared into the crowd of the city. Main thing she said to Hilary that ” No home without Gus”. So, Gus lost in the city & she wants to stay into this city all alone. She just became a friend of her loneliness. That’s how she accepted her life.

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All six episodes of ” Expats” are currently streaming now in Amazon Prime Video in Hindi, and English language along with subtitles.



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