“Margaret” In ‘Expats’ Actress Name: Amazon Prime Video presents a six-episodic American drama series, “Expats,” currently streaming on Prime Video with Hindi and English audio along with subtitles. In the series, we saw Margaret, who is another lead character of this series. So, we are going to discuss who played this character with an explanation.

Before starting the discussion, let’s talk about the story of this series. This series actually shows the balance between blame and accountability. A mother lost her child, and her happy life became changed.

In the series, the character of “Margaret” is played by Nicole Kidman, a 56-year-old American actress. She has done movies like “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom” (2023), “The Northman” (2022), “The Family Fang” (2016), “Paddington” (2014), and series like “Special Ops: Lioness” (2023), “Nine Perfect Strangers” (2021), etc.

Episode Recaps: “Expats” Episode 2 Recap and Explained

Margaret is a housewife who is not happy in her life; she wants to explore things and follow her passion. At first, she had a good life with her husband Clarke. She never wanted any children, but after having their first baby, she was impressed by watching their faces. Now she is a mother of three children: Daisy, Philip, and the little one, Gus.

The whole story revolves around Gus, a very little boy who is always stubborn. Sometimes Margaret thinks of getting away from everything, as she doesn’t want this type of typical life. But there is nothing to do now but to accept fate. After losing Gus, she became changed and disturbed. She always felt lost somehow but still tried to be happy.

We find her character as a mother who doesn’t want any chaos in life. She wants to be happy alone. That’s why she took a separate flat for her own. Sometimes she used to go there and spend a good time without any disturbance. But the memories of Gus still haunt her; that’s why we saw a huge change in her behavior. She still thinks that Mercy is responsible for this. So, at Clarke’s 50th birthday party, when she saw her become crazy, luckily Hilary comes up and gives her comfort.

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Hilary is her close one who loved the same apartment too. At night, she sometimes goes to the “Animal Market” from where she lost Gus. Where Gus is and whether he is alive or not is not clear yet, but his mother Margaret is still thinking about him.

That’s all about the character Margaret, the mother of Gus. After losing her child, she became mentally unstable. I hope we cleared everything about her. If you have any questions left, feel free to ask in the comment section.



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