“Mr. White” In “Red Queen” Character Explained: Amazon Prime presents a seven-episodic spanish crime investigation thriller series “Red Queen” which also known as “Reina Roja”. This series is created by Amaya Muruzabal. Adapted from the novel series named “The Red Queen” this series is about some investigations going on when a murder and a kidnapping happen in a conglomerate family.

The government has a secret organisation named “Red Queen“, which has the best-selected officers to solve the tough cases. Antonia Scott got added to the team to solve the mystery case with Jon Gutierrez a local cop.

As the series named “Red Queen” is a secret government organisation that deals with very rare unsolved cases. The government officials gathered the best police officers from the country who did their best of best at their service. This team of intelligent and experienced officers are the main pillar of the Red Queen organisation. Antonia Scott is a very intelligent girl and has an IQ of 242, which makes her the most intelligent human in the world. She is also the daughter of a British Ambassador. Antonia worked to solve some cases for the Red Queen organisation in the past. The guy who is called Mentor is the face of the Red Queen organisation.

Most of the time when the organisation matters, Mentor does the talk. He decides who to appoint. Mentor for the Red Queen organisation appointed Jon Gutierrez a local cop to solve the case with Antonia Scott. Antonia Scott was highly tortured by the Red Queen organisation to develop and improve her IQ skills and intelligence. They used to put her inside electric shocks and machines to increase her ability to make use her operations. Other members of this organisation are not revealed in these episodes.

Mr. White is an anonymous character in this series. His face is not revealed in this series. Wholetime he was an anonymous character. His name first came in episode 4 when Antonia Scott was with her husband in a restaurant. A stranger came to her and warned her about Mr. White. He told her that Mr. White is the smartest man in the world and very dangerous. And he is far more intelligent than Antonia Scott. That stranger warned about the people in the organisation. And also he added that Mr. White is looking for Antonia Scott for some time. Once he gets to her he will harm her.

The work she did for Red Queen caused a huge damage to Mr. White. Somehow Mr. White loss everything because of Red Queen and Antonia Scott, which made him angry to get revenge on her. Not only her he is acting against everyone related to Red Queen. When Antonia Scott was with her husband home some stranger came and shot her husband’s head and also shot Antonia. Antonia Scott survived the attack but her husband was hospitalized for years. Antonia Scott lost her because she got mad after that incident and her father took away the kid.

Mr White appointed Sandra to kidnap high-profile people and torture them by manipulating Fajardo. As per Mr. White’s plan, Sandra went to meet Fajardo in a mental asylum and acted as his daughter which he thought she was but. The girl was dead but Sandra faked as his daughter and manipulated him to do the killing nd torturing for her.

After the incident Antonia Scott lost her conscious mind and she was getting imaginations of weird things coming to kill her. She needs to take pills to stop those traumatic imaginations temporarily. She stopped working for Red Queen after losing her mind. Mr. White was all behind these. He ordered to capture of Antonia Scott’s son too. Now that Antonia Scott is back with Red Queen he will be behind her till she leaves the organisation or dies.

That’s all about Mr. White and the ‘Red Queen’ organisation. If you have any questions regarding it, feel free to ask in the comment section.



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