Monsieur Spade Episode 5 Recap: AMC released another crime thriller series set in Bezouls, France. The series tells about Samuel Spade a veteran detective who goes to Bezouls to deliver hjs friend’s daughter to her husband. But the husband was not the kind of he expected. As time passes Samuel settles there and unexpected things start to happen around him and he gets a part in it for finding the truth.

Episode 5 starts with a flashback in Algeria Phillipe shooting bullets on a watermelon placed above a wounded guy sitting there. Phillip is playing with him with guns and enquiring about things. Phillips is trying to get information from soldiers about OAS members. Cut to the present, Gazala walks through the street, the guy who worked at the convent saw her and thinks as she is sister Angelique. He follows her saying sister Angelique, but Gazala beats him and tells she is not Angelique and to stay away from telling these.

Gazala comes to Phillip’s room. Apparently, they are in a relationship. The kid Zayid is there seeing them romancing and chatting about Angelique. Apparently, Angelique is Gazala’s sister. They are waiting to get a highers bidder for the kid’s custody. Cut to Samuel’s home, Henry came asking about his lost notebook. Teresa goes out with Henry to get him the new notebook. Teresa goes to Gabrielle’s grave and put flower there, Samuel watches it from a distance.

Samuel enters the home, suddenly he hears some unusual sounds from paintings at the wall. He tear down the painting and saw there was mic bug in it, he tore next painting too, it had bugs too. He takes the bug and put near the phone and he fakes a call to Patrice and says he has the kid and tells a location to meet there, it was a trap for George and Cynthia. Samuel goes to their home while George and Cynthia goes out in a car, Samuel opens up the garage and sees their investigation equipment and photos writings in that room. Suddenly George comes and put Samuel in the ground. They talk about their motives to bug his house.

Cynthia and George tell information about Zahid, that the kid been changed from one rich family to another each time, Saudis refer to as godly because he is invisible and goes and comes from anywhere.Zahid is a mathematics-gifted kid, who can break any codes, that’s why everyone in need to get the kid. Zahid is in the custody of Phillipe and Gazala waiting for the bidder.

Phillipe can’t kill Gazala because only Gazala can authenticate Zahid to the buyers. Gazala is an FLN terrorist. After finishing the talking suddenly Teresa comes to George’s home in a car rash driving. She came to tell about, the guy came to her from the convent and said he saw Angelique in a place. Samuel uses the situation to flee from that house.

At the end of the episode, Samuel finds Phillip’s room, he tries to open the door. But inside room Phillipe and Gazala are near the door to open and shoot whoever is outside. Both side we see a huge tension among them to open and shoot. An agent comes at the stairs, and Samuel withdraws the plan to open the door and he goes away. Later Pierre comes and knocks on the door, and asks for Zahid. Pierre draws gun from his pocket but Phillip stabs him and he falls down the stairs. We can see a flashback from Pierre at his army days.

This is the best episode that came till now in my view. The mystery related to Zahid has been revealed in this episode. Samuel try to open Phillip’s room is the main highlight of the episode, the tension among them to open and shoot is the best scene from the episode. Also, the ending is tragic as Pierre got stabbed by Phillipe and may die which we will know from next episode.

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  4. Monsieur Spade Episode 4 : Recap and Explained



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