Does Jordan Die In ‘Beef’ : Netflix & A24 Production’s BEEF has officially released on the streaming platform telling us the story about two individuals Danny and Amy played by Steven and Ali respectively who were part of a road rage incident that brings chaos into their lives after the two develop beef between them constantly trying to get an upper hand on the other one.

The show does not only contain a great leading cast but also supporting casts as well and one of the questions running around is whether Jordan, one of the characters dies or not. Here’s what you need to know about her.

Jordan Death Explained: Is Jordan Dead? How Does She Die?

Jordan is the Business Conglomerate that was buying Koyohause, Amy’s Plant Business and had asked Amy to stay working for five more years. She is extremely rich and that is pretty much understood by looking at her house when Amy visits which includes rare pieces of art including crowns from various tribes all around the world, all sitting in one of the rooms in her house. She also married the ex-wife of her brother which does sound hilarious.

However, during the heist when Isaac comes to Jordan’s house to steal all the crowns that she has after Amy gives him the idea in exchange for letting go of June. When Jordan and Naomi realize that they can see a way out of it by going to the other room and locking the one they’re already in with the security lock, Naomi and Jordan make a run for it with Naomi leading.

They were being chased by Michael and when Naomi gets into the other room and she’s about to lock down the room she sees Jordan coming to her asking her to wait until she was in the room but she doesn’t and is in a state of panic she locks the door down and Jordan sort of gets stuck in between by her stomach or lower pelvis where the door is continuously trying to lock down and forcing with Jordan stuck in between and after sometimes it slices Jordan into two pieces killing her and locking the room down.

BEEF is currently streaming on Netflix in multiple languages.



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