What Is Endocannibalism in ‘Gannibal’ Series: Gannibal, the new Japanese Drama that has been released on Disney+ tells the story of a remote, secluded town of Kuge in rural Japan where Daigo Agawa, a residential officer moves with his family after the previous one goes missing and finds out that the townspeople are cannibals.

However, in Episode 2 we see Sumire, the previous residential officer’s daughter who accuses the people of cannibalism. On her ride to the train station, she tells Daigo about cannibalism but she forms it as “Endocannibalism” and also moves forward with telling him about the history of it all as well.

However, if you are curious about what is endocannibalism and how is it different from cannibalism, you are at the right place.

What Is Endocannibalism in Gannibal Tv Show?

In general, Cannibalism refers to a human being eating another human being but Endocannibalism refers to the act of preparing and eating the remains of a dead family member or close circle. However disgusting this may sound but this is not something new and endocannibalism was a practice in many communities, especially in Indo-European roots, this holds a cultural significance for the people who practiced it.

Endocannibalism was a common practice in the Wari Peoples of the Amazon and after a War individual had died, the community would gather and begin a ritual that sounded similar to the process of making wine as they would trim the body of its shoulders and stuff it into a giant jar like container and stored for fermentation and once it reaches that stage, the liquid and the solid were separated and the solids were buried.

Other cultures in which endocannibalism takes place are The Nagaju people, Yanomami People of the Amazon, the Junkun People of West Africa, and a historical practice of widows in Indonesia where they cover their bodies from the juice of their spouse’s decomposition or stir that juice into their food.



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