What Happened To ‘Mercy’ At The End Of “Expats”?: Expats” is a six-episodic Amazon series currently streaming now with multiple languages along with subtitles. Mercy is the crucial character of this series. The last episode much focused on her. Let’s discuss what just actually happened with her.

Before we begin let’s talk about the story of this series. The story Is all about a Mother who lost her child later we will see the circumstances she faced in the big city. We saw the relationship of Mercy & Charly improved a lot. But she still hides the things that are most necessary to save any relationship.

We she that she was fired from her work which is actually done by Hilary. We understand that Hilary have an eagerness on her so that’s why she may have done it. Later she also met with David who wants to take care of her & also her child. He also offered expensive treatment. But, Mercy don’t need her help & stopped taking help from here. On the other side, she also talked to Charly about her pregnancy & after hearing it she was so angry on her that she left her alone.

Later she went to meet with Margeret & said how painful is every day for her. On the other hand, she met with Hilary too. Soon, she had a baby girl from her but felt alone as everyone left her. She understood the value of a mother. Felt the pain that Margaret was going through. Mercy’s mother also reached into Hong Kong to meet with her.

In front of their mother, she can’t handle her pain & starts crying by hugging her tightly. She understood what she did but wants to take care of her baby now. Losing Gus always haunts her but she also does it mistakenly so it doesn’t mean that she feels repentance every time.

She is expecting a baby girl. That’s how her character arc ended

All episodes of ” Expats” are currently streaming now On Amazon Prime Video in Hindi and English language along with subtitles.

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