What Happened To Cootie?: What happened to Cootie because of the rashes at the end of the series? Amazon Prime presents the fantasy comedy-drama series “I’m Virgo,” which is streaming now on Amazon Prime with multiple audio options.

Before knowing the answer, let’s have a recap of the series. This American series starts with a guy named Cootie, who has excessive height, making him a giant, and his journey from good to bad, from loving his idol superhero to hating him the most.

After Cootie meets new friends, he joins them and begins to explore Oakland. However, he realizes that as a boy, it’s important to have a job, and he also wants to eat more Bing Bang Berger due to his strange height. In this situation, he teams up with Asphalt Royalty. After the first time he models, he gets some rashes from wearing their clothes.

Soon after, the rashes start gradually increasing. They become bigger and worse. At the end, when Cootie opens his shirt, we see that the rashes have grown even bigger and there is something strange inside them that is moving. This may indicate that something bad will happen in the next season, leading Cootie to become evil.

The show, it started when Cootie wore the shirt of a big organization. These rashes indicate that capitalism will continue to grow day by day and become more significant. When Cootie used some medicines, they didn’t work well, indicating that no organization or heroic act can stop capitalism; it will only grow faster and more profoundly.

The writers use metaphors to convey the real truth of the world. However, these rashes may indicate something negative for the second season. So, let’s wait to see what happens next.



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