Will Season 2 of “I’m Virgo” Come Or Not?: The seven-episode series “I’m Virgo” is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video with English and Hindi audio, along with subtitles.

Before knowing the answer, let’s have a recap of the series. This American series starts with a guy named Cootie, who has excessive height, making him a giant, and his journey from good to bad, from loving his idol superhero to hating him the most.

“I’m Virgo” ended with lots of unanswered questions. In this series, it’s still unknown why Cootie is so big in height. The show also didn’t reveal the source of Flora’s special power. Most importantly, they didn’t explain how Bear, the guy, became so small. Although the series gradually reveals the abilities of some people, there must be a source that sets them apart from others.

The root of the superhero is also not shown in the series. We know from the series that he gained power from his ancestors, but it’s unclear whether being weird is his ability or if he changed. He also didn’t die at the end of the series; he merely understood his position in that city. What will happen after this realization? Will he become a real superhero or nothing?

Most importantly, what will happen to Cootie after we saw his rashes grow strangely with something strange inside them? This series suggests that this is just the beginning of a bigger series. Perhaps a new group of superheroes is being developed. Since the series received positive reviews and a good rating, it’s likely that Amazon will renew it.

Based on this, we can assume that the next season of “I’m Virgo” may come in late 2024 or 2025. Let’s wait for it and stay with us for updates.



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