The Impossible Heir Episode 9 Recap: Disney plus presents a business thriller show called ‘The Impossible Heir’. The South Korean plot revolves around three youngsters who are on their way to catch up with their bigger dreams. An illegitimate son and his childhood friend construct a plan to take control of the wealthiest company in Korea. The illegitimate son takes his revenge on the family members while trying to become the next successor of the company.

Episode 9 opens with Kang Inha arriving in front of the hacker’s apartment. He went to threaten and inform Han Taeo, which is going to happen in a couple of minutes. Kang Inha finds out that Seonu Wan, the hacker was helping Han Taeo for a long time. Seonu Wan found out every dirty secret of Kangoh family and shared it with Han Taeo.

Kang Inha wants to take control of Seonu Wan to dig up more about his family members. Later, Kang Inha gets a call from Mo Gijun and finds out that Han Taeo escaped from the prison before they sent the killer. Kang Inha bribed Seonu Wan’s Italian friend, he put a gun on Seonu Wan’s head and orders to find out the location of Han Taeo. The news channels start reporting the escape of Han Taeo.

Previous Episode: The Impossible Heir Episode 8 Recap and Explained

Na Hye Won saw the news of Han Taeo’s escape, she got worried about his condition. Na Hye won went to Seonu Wan’s house to enquire about Han Taeo’s current location, but he was under the custody of Seonu Wan’s friend. Meanwhile, Mo Gijun and Kang Inha get frustrated after hearing the news about Han Taeo’s escape. They gave a huge amount of money to the prison guard to kill Han Taeo, but it all went wrong. Meanwhile, Na Hye Won’s mother was gambling for money in a club, she gets a call from Na Hye won.

They both had a private conversation inside the car, Na Hye won gives her money and tells her to find a person for her, if she finds him within a day, Na Hye Won will double the money. After the conversation, Na Hye won’s mother informs about the meeting with her daughter. He tells her to bring Na Hye won into a random place.

Mo Gijun has been ordered by Kang Inha to kidnap Na Hye won from the place. He took her into a mental asylum and locks her inside a small room. Kang Inha was doing his best to make Na Hye won suffer from everything. At the same time, Kang Inha’s sister calls Kangoh’s group team leader to find out the location of Han Taeo. Suddenly, some glimpses from the day of Kang Inju’s death appear, someone kills the girl , Kang Inju and tries to scare Han Taeo.

Shockingly it was Kang Inha, who killed Kang Inju that day. Han Taeo quickly wakes up in bed and sees the chairman. He was shocked that the chairman helped him escape from the prison anonymously. The chairman finds out that Kang Inha killed his son and trapped Han Taeo.

The chairman and Han Taeo once again joined to discuss the future of the Kangoh group. They finds out that Kang Inha is teaming with a subsidiary company of Kangoh to split the parent company into two. Chairman appointed his personal doctor to look after Han Taeo’s health. He was staying at the chairman’s office currently. Later, Kang Inha met with Kangoh Mills chairman, Park Sajin to make a new deal in secret. After that meeting, he talked with Na Hye Won about his new plans.

Kang Inha took back her to his house on a condition. Han Taeo and the chairman find out Kang Inha’s attempt to torture Na Hye won at mental asylum. They came to the conclusion that Kang Inha wants to put his hands on Kangoh foundation slush funds. Han Taeo immediately orders the chairman to meet the Kangoh Mills chairman. Later, Kang Inha sees the doctor going inside the chairman’s office.

Kang Inha starts to doubt the chairman, he thinks that the chairman is helping Han Taeo secretly. He followed the doctor and eventually, they met with each other at the office. The chairman enters the office and tries to cover the doctor. Kang Inha still thinks that the chairman helped Han Taeo. After the meeting, Kang Inha asks the doctor about the person he consulted inside the chairman’s office.

The doctor didn’t reply any of his questions and later he informed the chairman. That night, the Chairman met the Kangoh mills chairman and closed a new deal. Kang Inha’s sister hears about the location of Han Taeo. She went looking for him at the chairman’s office, but Han Taeo already left the place with the help of Na Hye won. When Kang Inha’s sister reaches the office, she finds her father death inside the bathtub.

Overall the ninth episode was very engaging. The return of Han Taeo boosted the episode at some point. The episode ended with a shocking note and the curiosity for the next episode is already on peak. Let’s find out who killed the Chairman on next episode.



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