Reina Roja (The Red Queen) Episode 4: Amazon Prime presents a crime investigation series called ‘Red Queen’. The plot revolves around an extremely talented and intelligent woman who solves impossible crimes with the help of a normal detective. They team up to solve the unexpected murder of a rich young man and the kidnapping of a rich young woman.

The fourth episode opens with a flashback memory of a dinner date with Antonia Scott. She is with a handsome man, they order a nice dish and start talking. They ordered two coffees, and while ordering it, Antonia Scott noticed a strange man standing near the door. When the waiter gave the coffee cups, Antonia Scott threw them like accidentally, and the coffee got splattered onto her boyfriend’s shirt.

Previous Episode: Reina Roja (The Red Queen) Episode 3: Recap and Explained

He then left to the washroom, and Antonia Scott went to talk with the stranger. He warned about the people from the organisation, he also added that Mr White, the smartest man in the world is looking for her, if he finds her, he will harm her. Antonia Scott didn’t mind what he said and told him to leave the place. Later, she and her boyfriend left home after the dinner.

In the present, Antonia Scott woke up in an abandoned building, the place is filled with many portraits and photographs. She tried to analyse everything, but she kept thinking about the message Ezequiel was trying to convey to her. Gutierrez kept texting her for a long time, she notified him that she had been kidnapped by Ezequiel. Gutierrez got worried and asked about the location. Antonia Scott sent him the location and later he came to pick her up. Gutierrez got mad at her for travelling alone at night.

They went to a place to look for taxi details. At the toll booth checking, the staffs didn’t open up about the vehicle details. They have been bribed by some people to not reveal the details to the cops. Gutierrez found out that one of the staff is gay and he was embarrassed to say it out loud.

The staff didn’t reveal anything because of the orders from the superior. Antonia Scott told Gutierrez to go to a club, and within ten minutes of reaching the club, she came back with a lot of money on her hands. She played some tricks at the club and earned some money to bribe the security staff. After they paid them, the showed the surveillance camera footage from the date of the kidnapping.

They felt something weird about the visuals at a particular point of time. They saw a glitch and bug in the visuals, so they transferred the video to an expert for a detailed result.

Gutierrez came in to pick up Antonia Scott at the morning without having any breakfast, so he took her to his home to have some food. Gutierrez’s cooked his favourite dish and starts talking about the killer. While the three of them watching television, Antonia Scott was talking with Gutierrez’s mother at the same time he was sleeping. After some time, anti kidnapping unit got a call from the local cops about the suspected taxi. Antonia Scott also receives a call from a tattoo maker.

They found an abandoned taxi along with Carla’s chappel. Antonia Scott found the shop where Ezequiel had the tattoo. The girl on the reception confirmed it was their tattoo, but unfortunately, it was done by her father, who has been paralyzed for years. Antonia Scott met him and changed his sitting position and enquired about the person who had that tattoo. He starts blinking his eyes in an order, Antonia Scott decoded the code. The code says it’s NBC, which is an underground organisation in the police department.

Antonia Scott and Gutierrez started researching about the NBC cops who had the same tattoo. They found out that only one person was alive right now, and later they went to his location. They captured him at his apartment, but Antonia Scott confirmed that it was not Ezequiel. She already saw the taxi driver before so found out that it was not him.

They started enquiring about him for some time and found out that there was a guy in their batch who’s daughter had died on an accident, he was blamed for mission failure by his superiors, and after some time later they put him on a mental asylum.

Antonia Scott later calls Parra, chief of police and tells him that the killer is an ex NBC and his real name is Nicolas Fajardo. The cops already found out that he is the killer and they are going to catch him. Antonia Scott felt something off with Ezequiel leaving fingerprints and the taxi wanted for cops’ visibility. Antonia Scott tells Gutierrez to visit the mental asylum to seek more truth.

Overall the fourth episode is very much engaging. There are not many dull moments in this episode. The bond between Gutierrez and Antonia Scott developed well on this episode.

Next Episode: Reina Roja (The Red Queen) Episode 5 : Recap and Explained



A Diehard Fan Of Films and Tv Shows. Masters In English Literature. Writing Reviews and Explainers Since 5 Years. Covered More than 3000+ Films and Tv Shows