Parasyte The Grey episode 5 Recap and Explained: Netflix presents a six-episodic fantasy horror thriller called ‘Parasyte: The Grey’. The The plot around a convenience store staff, who’s infected by a parasite. A bunch of other parasites make their presence at some places around the world.

They inject themselves into the human brains and take control of their body. The parasites eventually go on a war with human beings in order to survive. When a group of special forces officers tries to destroy the existence of parasites, they keep expanding their number of hosts everywhere.

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The fifth episode opens with a flashback of Seol Kang Woo’s younger sister, Jin Hee. One day, Jin-hee finishes her work shift at the store and then walks alone to her home. While walking home, she calls Seol Kang Woo’s friend, to ask him the location of Seol Kang Woo. His friend tells her that he doesn’t know where Seol Kang Woo is at. He also tells her to direct message Seol Kang Woo in case of any emergency.

Jin-hee tells him that she’ll do that later. When she reached her home, she noticed her dog barking at her sister Kyung Hee and the pastor. She thought her elder sister was sick and needed proper treatment.

The pastor insisted she stop talking about the treatment, after that he showed his real face to her. Jin Hee suddenly gets shocked and rushes through the road. The parasites follow her to a tunnel and murder her brutally. The flashback ends and back at the present, Jeong Su In and Seol Kang Woo is at the bus station. Seol Kang Woo calls his friend for help with money and stay.

He replied in text messages, which is later found out by his parasite sister. Seol Kang Woo took Jeong Su In to his friend’s apartment. Jeong Su In asks for support from Seol Kang Woo to fight against the parasite organisation, but he denies it.

Later that night, Jeong Su In left the apartment silently and met Choi Jun Kyung. Jeong Su In told her to come to a hotel, when she arrived there, Jeong Su In already moved into the next building for her own safety. Jeong Su In confirms that Detective Chul min is a parasite and she witnessed him die. Jeong Su In explains that the parasite inside the pastor transferred into Detective Chul min’s head.

But, Choi Jun Kyung tested only his friend’s hair which says he is not a parasite and he is getting money for helping the parasite. At the same time, Seol Kang Woo thinks about the words Detective Chul min said to him before about his younger sister’s death. Seol Kang Woo took his friend’s car and went looking for Jeong Su In.

Meanwhile, Choi Jun Kyung secretly calls the cops to arrest Jeong Su In during their secret meeting. Heid inside Jeong Su In awakes and jumps off the building to save herself from Choi Jun Kyung. The task force kept shooting her back to back, but somehow she tried to escape from there. Suddenly Seol Kang Woo came in with his friend’s car and took Jeong Su In to another place.

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Meanwhile, Seol Kang Woo’s elder sister arrives at his friend’s apartment. Seol Kang Woo gets a call from his friend, saying that his sister is in there. Seol Kang Woo rushes towards his friend’s house to protect him from parasites. Heidi tells him that she will be asleep for three hours and never try to engage in dangerous situations.

Seol Kang Woo reaches his friend’s apartment along with Jeong Su In, his parasite sister tells him that Jeong Su In is a mutant and a threat to her kin. When she starts destroying Jeong Su In, Seol Kang Woo’s friend jumps above her and gets killed by the blade. Jeong Su In took Seol Kang Woo outside the apartment, while on the way to their escape, she called and warned Choi Jun Kyung to abort the mission to invade the parasite on a location shared by Detective Chul Min.

When Choi Jun Kyung reached the location, they killed every Parasite on the spot. But later Seol Kang Woo and Jeong Su In find out that the parasites are aiming to kill the mayor, who’s electing for next president.

Overall the fifth episode is very engaging and interesting. Seol Kang Woo has very good screen presence in this episode. The negative shade of the plot got more thicker and the good ones quantity is eventually decreasing. Jeong Su In and Heidi’s bonding was delightful to watch.

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