Parasyte The Grey Episode 2 : Parasyte The Grey Episode 2″ Netflix presents a six-episodic science fiction Korean drama ‘Parasyte: The Grey’ Based on the manga series “Kiseiju” by Hitoshi Iwaaki. The parasites fall to earth enter to humans’ brains and take control of them.

They started to team up with other hosts against human races. As things got public government agents started their work to eradicate these parasites using their different methods. As a mutant Jeong Su In who is not controlled by a parasite has a parasite in that makes a threat to other hosts’ existence things started getting more complicated. It will get complicated when the special forces get to know that Jeong Su In also a host.

Episode 2 starts with Seol Kang Woo selling a watch in a shop as he is in need of money. After a bargain, he sold it there and went to a mobile shop to fix it. Later he went to the bike shop to buy one, as he went back to the mobile shop, the salesman said some guy came today asking him. When Seol Kang Woo went to a bike shop the guy already called the goons. They came running to Seol Kang Woo. Seol Kang Woo escaped on a bike but they kept following him.

Previous Episode: Parasyte The Grey Episode 1 : Recap and Explained

Seol Kang Woo rushed through markets and small paths and all to avoid them but they were too fast. In the end, he escaped them and called his friend asking for some money. But his friend asked his location to meet in person.

Choi Jun Kyung and her team are working hard to capture these hosts. An officer came to Choi Jun Kyung giving case files to her. He asked autograph to her, Apparently, she is a writer too her book helped the officers catch the culprits. Jeong Su In was working at the supermarket. Detective Kim Chul Min came there to have a chat with her. Kim Chul Min asked Jeong Su In if she is okay now. The reason behind Kim Chul Min’s visit is to check whether Jeong Su In is a host.

When he took out her hair sample there were no changes happened and he thought there was no parasite inside her. A guy host was outside the room, where Jeong Su In got the feeling of another host near her which was him.

Seol Kang Woo went to the place where the hosts were meeting and he got the location from the invitation card got from his home. Same time Jeong Su In was forced to enter the car of Seol Kang Woo’s sister to the meeting. They gathered at a stranded factory inside the forest. Seol Kang Woo was looking at it from the top. Inside the hall, a head host is giving a speech on the current scenario. He told everyone that they needed to get control of these human brains and take out their race.

The guy gathered everyone to team up against humans. The guy also adds that their kin are exposed now. The government now knows about their motive and some of the hosts. They already killed many hosts by using one of the hosts to track another host.

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As the speech was going on, Seol Kang Woo saw a guy coming out from a nearby garage. Seol Kang Woo entered that garage and saw many dead bodies tied in plastic hanged upside down. That guy came back and found unusual behaviour inside the room and checked for trespassing. As Seol Kang Woo tried to escape he saw his young sister’s body hanged among it.

Seol Kang Woo got angry and hit the host. Then the other hosts nearby started following him to kill him. As he ran the goons came to kill him, they got killed by the hosts and one host went for Seol Kang Woo. Jeong Su In’s parasite fought with the host who tried to kill Seol Kang Woo. Apparently, Seol Kang Woo’s boss made a deal with enemies to kill Seol Kang Woo.

The friend who waited for Seol Kang Woo also came to the boss’s orders to kill Seol Kang Woo. But as the host tried to kill on their way the car went to falling from the top. Jeong Su In killed the other host who tried to tell others about her is not one of them. Jeong Su In saw Seol Kang Woo hanging on a hilltop inside the car with his dead friend.

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Jeong Su In went to the car side and saved Seol Kang Woo. At the end of the episode Choi Jun Kyung opened a case file of Jeong Su In and with the story that happened to her Choi Jun Kyung came to conclusion that Jeong Su In is a host.

Overall the episode was engaging and racy. The chasing scenes were good. Now that Seol Kang Woo got more involved in the situation it will become more engaging.



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