Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer has made its way to the theatres and while it has been a long wait for Nolan Film Fans, it has brought a dark cloud over as well after one of the scenes in the film had shown a Religious Hindu Scripture, The Bhagwad Gita in one of the sexual intercourse scenes between Cillian Murphy and Florence Pugh.

It comes after this was spotted in an international screening of the film and was made aware by a user on Twitter and it sparked a fire.

In Oppenheimer, after Dr. Oppenheimer played by Cillian Murphy meets Jean, played by Florence their introduction leads to sexual intercourse in which she stops and goes to take a look at his book collection and stops herself from feeling attraction or anything further with a physicist.

But then she finds The Bhagwad Gita on his bookshelf and asks him about it if he can read Sanskrit or not. He replies saying that he’s learning and Jean asks him to read a specific line from it and while he reads it, she resumes the sexual intercourse as he continues to read a line from The Bhagwad Gita.

However, the use of a Hindu Scripture in this context can ignite a whole lot of controversy for Nolan and possibly lead to a boycott which a lot of netizens are also asking for. But what’s more interesting is that the Censor Board cut the intimate scenes between Florence and Cillian but didn’t cut this.

However, now it’s out there and how people are going to react to this, we’ll know in time.



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