‘One Day’ Episode 7 Recap: Netflix presents a romantic drama series called ‘One Day’ with fourteen episodes. The plot revolves around Emma and Dexter who spend their graduation night together and then get separated for a long time, even though they are walking through different paths, yet they eventually try to meet up to show their affection on every year.

Episode 7 happens in 1994, July 15th. Emma started writing a new play on her computer. She was confused about what to write. Ian started interfering with Emma’s writing with some morning jokes. He asking about what she wants to eat on the morning. Emma got irritated by Ian’s behavior while she was writing. Emma and Ian bought their first flat in London.

Meanwhile, Dexter got in a relationship with Suki, the co-host who drunk on stage because of Dexter. Dexter calls her asks if she is free for a party, but she says she have other plans. All of sudden Emma comes and meets Dexter. They both are surprised to meet especially Emma.

They goto a bar for drink. As he orders the drink he buy cigarettes from a lady in the bar. Dexter and Emma start arguing again about his doings. Dexter says he used to do surveys from bars but he writes on his own survey.

Dexter goes to the washroom and comes back, he also taking drugs there. Emma questions his behavior on taking drugs, Dexter gets offended and he also starts arguing with her. He looks down on her about her teaching job, he asks why doing a teaching job when you are a writer. He says she is bad at teaching. Emma gets emotional and she makes a scene at the bar and leaves there.

The quarrels among them go on outside the bar. Dexter says sorry and says it’s his nature. But Emma is crying and saying this Dexter is different from what she saw before. She says he always talks rudely to her about her goals and job.

She says she came to speak something about Ian and her relationship but after seeing this she dropped telling it. She says Dexter is always sober when she sees him for nothing. Dexter says she was always judgmental and she always looked down on him.

He says whenever he says he did something she says like she is better than him. Their argument made her cry. She broke up their friendship and went to her home. Ian was there watching television, she says it was horrible and sleeps on him.

All Previous Episodes From The Show;

  1. ‘One Day’ Episode 1 Recap & Explained
  2. ‘One Day’ Episode 2 Recap  and Explained
  3. ‘One Day’ Episode 3 Recap and Explained
  4. ‘One Day’ Episode 4 Recap and Explained
  5. ‘One Day’ Episode 5 Recap and Explained
  6. ‘One Day’ Episode 6 Recap and Explained



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