‘One Day’ Episode 2 Recap: Netflix released a fourteen-season romantic comedy series “One Day”. The story revolves around Dexter and Emma two youths meeting coincidentally and getting more closer relationship. Their relationship grows from a stranger to something they didn’t expect to be.

The episode starts a day after one year after their last meeting, we see Dexter having a romance with a woman and Emma having a romance in a van with a guy. Emma is part of a theatre group and they are on a tour in the West Midlands. Emma is still in contact with Dexter.

Emma writes letters to him. Dexter is at Rome, he is a teacher now, and also he hangs out with his students. Emma do hang out with the theatre group’s director Garry.

Previous Episode: ‘One Day’ Episode 1 Recap & Explained

Dexter meets his mom and she asks where he have been last night. She says she waited for him long time yesterday. Dexter said he was with a student last night and they are above eighteen. Dexter’s mother enquires about the girls he met, to check he likes anyone from them. Finally, she asks about Emma Emma came to their home too in the holidays.

Emma and others do play at schools for kids about social issues. Kids are not interested in those plays and Emma is also a bit embarrassed about it. After the play they go for drinks, Emma says she is going back to London. Garry requests her to be here and write plays.

On the other side, Dexter’s mother kept asking about his plans for the future. He tried to avoid the topic but she kept pushing and he said he would do photojournalism. Dexter’s mother invites him for lunch tomorrow. At the end of the episode, Dexter reaches his room and starts writing a letter to Emma noting he is coming to London in September.

Emma is at the party getting thoughts of him and London, and she calls her friend Tilly and asks if the room is still free and if he would like to come back to London in September.



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