Emma Morley In ‘One Day’: Netflix released its emotional romantic drama series with a unique way of storytelling. Each episode happens on the 15th of July of each year. The story revolves around Emma and Dexter who casually met at a graduation party and then became more than friends relationship. Series walks through their affection and the problems they face while continuing their relationship.

Emma Morley is a very active passionate girl in the drama played by British actress Ambika Bhakti Mod. Ambika is a very charming actress who is very well suited for this series. Ambika is British-born to Indian parents, she have that Indian look on her which makes a different essence to the drama. Ambika is also a comedian and writer. She got appreciation from viewers for her role in the BBC drama “This is Going to Hurt” as Shruti Acharya. Emma Morley in her twenties is well portrayed by Ambika.

Emma is an independent passionate girl who is very smart and talented. She has very good skills in writing novels and plays. She likes to become a writer and wants to make a change in society, at least in her small world. She is a shy girl who is not used to this kind of relationship from the start. She was a bit afraid or shy about having sex with a stranger in the first episode.

But she got changed and adapted to many things, and she did living together with Ian for some time. Later she had a sexual affair with the headmaster of the school where she is working.

At the start of the series, Emma was a graduate student. She was living with her friend Tilly. Emma met Dexter at a graduation party. They started to know each other and tried to have sex that night, but Emma at that time was very shy and she couldn’t handle those things.

Her friend Tilly motivated her to do it, but Emma was different. Emma used to ask about Dexter’s future plans, she had a goal at that time. But eventually, she stopped trying for her goals and stuck to her daily routine stuff. She worked at a restaurant for a living, worked for theatre plays then worked as a teacher. But none of these things satisfy her as her goals or ambitions are different.

Emma started living together with Ian who used to work with her at the old restaurant. Their relationship with him was not satisfying for her. She said ok to him without much love, Ian was a nice person so she liked him that way. But her inner self was still loving Dexter. She used to write passionately but her life drained some of her energy on the go. But she regains everything as it is.

Emma had too many quarrels with Dexter about their work and his behavior. She doesn’t like him looking down on her for her job. This series is mainly focused on Emma and Dexter characters. In her role as Emma Morley, Ambika did a very good job.

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That’s all about the character of Emma Morley. If you have any questions regarding it, feel free to ask in the comment section



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