Masters of the Air Episode 9 Recap and Explained: AppleTV released a historical war series from the creators of the popular series “Band of Brothers” with executive producers legendary Stephen Spielberg and Tom Hanks. Adapted from the best-selling “Masters of the Air: America’s Bomber Boys Who Fought the Air War Against Nazi Germany” by Donald Miller this series has about nine episodes.

The story happened at the time of World War II when the bomber groups tried their best to defeat the Nazis with their air force bombing groups. This story tells about the hurdles they faced on the missions. The story is based on real incidents that happened and all the characters are real-life characters in this series.

Previous Episodes: Masters of the Air Episode 8 Recap and Explained

Episode 9 opens on skies over Berlin in 3rd February of 1945. We see the 8th Air Force flying over their bombing, and we all hear the voiceover of Crosby. Rosenthal is flying a bomber. When they were going to drop the bomb Rosenthal’s flight got hit by the Germans. One of the engines gets on fire which leads to massive fire. His crew members inside the flight got blown away except his co-pilot. He jumps out of the flight and uses the parachute.

Rosenthal lands on the east of the Order River between Russian and German lines. He jumped to a war zone. His hand is injured. Rosenthal took his gun in his hand. Suddenly some soldiers came pointing guns on him. He surrenders and tells them he is American, apparently, those were the Russian army and he was saved from there.

Cut the prison where Egan and Cleven were in, the fight with Russia and Germans is increasing. Russians almost took over the place and German officers told the prisoners to walk to the next prison with them. Everyone walked with the officers in the iced path. Everyone is freezing in the cold. As they walked other German soldiers were coming on their way.

Cut to Crosby, his fellow soldiers come asking for the equipment as they need to fly in 5 minutes but the door is locked. Crosby breaks the door and gives them the equipment. Crosby beat the guy who locked the door.

Egan and Cleven with other prisoners reached Maskau. They stayed there in a factory. Everyone was tired of the climate and the walk. The officers told them to move to another location as the Russians were nearing them. Prisoners were loaded in trucks and transferred to Nuremberg prison where other American prisoners were also there.

Cut to Rosenthal, he was saved by Russians and also he is with them as their VIP guest. He is travelling in a car with a Russian higher officer, the officer tells him they will get him on a plane to Moscow and from there to England. Rosenthal meets the survivors and asks about their families. German officers told Egan and others to shift the place again at night.

As they walked a fighter plane shot many prisoners on the way. Later Cleven runs away from the gang with George and Bill. Egan couldn’t go with them as the officers caught him before he escaped. As Buck and others walked through the forest one of the guys got killed by a German. Cut to Rosenthal, he got back to the camp. Everyone was happy on his arrival. Crosby met him and they both drank telling the stories. Crosby told him that his wife was pregnant and he was soon gonna be a father.

Cleven reached the Bavarian country side. They saw American soldiers there and surrendered and told them they were American Air Fighters. They got back to the Air Camp. Everyone greets Cleven. Crosby and Rosenthal were very happy to see Cleven again. Rosenthal asks Cleven if he is okay to fly again. Cut to Egan, the prisoners saw an American fighter plane in the air. It shot the prison guards. Suddenly every prisoner gathered and started fighting the German officers.

At last, Egan gathered an American flag and changed the Hitler flag to their ones. Every prison officer surrendered to them. German officials came there and set them free in exchange for their officers. Egan came back to the camp. Rosie Cleven and Crosby all went to supply food by plane. When they returned Cleven asked for permission to land. Egan took over the radio at the station and replied to him. When Clevencame back Egan was there. Everyone met up again. Later the camp got the announcement by Winston Churchill about the Nazi defeat and everyone shouted with joy. A party was held at the camp.

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At the end of the final episode, the crew packed up to go home. Everyone greeted each other before they went with the memories they had here. All the planes were ready. Soldiers left their camp in the fighter planes. We see a great camera shot at the air when the air forces are leaving. Everyone on the ground waved bye to the fighters.



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