“Expats” Episode 4 Release Date: Three episodes of “EXPATS” are currently streaming now on the platform with multiple languages along with subtitles. “Expats” is a six-episodic American Drama series currently streaming on the platform with Hindi, and English audio along with subtitles.

Here in this article, we are gonna discuss when the next episode of “Expats” will release. As the episode 3 ended in a cliffhanger. So, we are gonna inform you of the time & Date.

Before we start the discussion, let’s have a quick recap of the Story of this series. This series is about a child named Gus, who got lost in a crowd; after this incident, the lives of his parents & also some families have been changed.

Previous Episode: “Expats” Episode 3 : Recap  and Explained

Episode 3 is also a slow-ride. We know that Gus’s mother Margaret is slowly losing her mind. She is trying to find any clue about her child Gus. Her behavior is really bad in front of everyone. From her husband & child to the shopkeeper, everyone got irritated. She found a photo of Gus’s photo on Christopher’s phone & then started investigating in his house.

The relationship between Hilary & David became more toxic. David started ignoring her & skipping going home. The main reason for David’s negligence is, the whole Gus lost Hilary blamed him. He understood that Hilary isn’t ready for a baby, that’s why he isn’t satisfied with this relationship. Instead, he is spending more time with Mercy.

But, Mercy still has not recovered from that incident, as she thinks it’s her fault for Gus’s disappearance. She used to blame herself & became absent sometimes. But, she met with Charly & became her friend too. But a little more time must be needed to see what exactly happened that day.

Margaret is still trying to find out what happened with Gus. She thinks Christopher is somehow involved in this matter. In his house, she found a photograph of a beach which is exactly the same place where Margaret took Gus with her.

Mysteries are gathering more & more. That day something must have happened which is really unusual. But, before thinking of any other logic, we got bad news. Detective Chang brings bad news that they found a body of a young boy near the Mainland which is exactly the same as Gus. He requested Margaret to come to the Morgue to identify the body.

Did Gus die? Or is it someone else’s body? Before we know more, the episode ended. Lots of questions will be answered in the next episode. So, the next episode of “Expats” will come next Friday.

Episode 4 of the Prime original series “Expats” will release on 9th February in the morning. Till then, you can watch Three episodes of this series, which are streaming now in Hindi & English audio along with subtitles.



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