Expats Episode 4 Recap and Explained: Prime Video presents a six-episodic American Drama series ” Expats” which is currently streaming now in Platform with multiple languages along with subtitles. Three episodes of this series is currently streaming now in Amazon Prime Video,rest will come on a weekly basis.

In this article, we are going to discuss the recap of Episode 4. Before starting the Discussion let’s have a quick overview of the story of this series. This is a story about a Mother who lost her child. After that, the life of a few people became changed because of this incident.

Previously we have seen, Margaret find a photo of Gus in Christopher’s phone, That’s really something to think about. On the other side, the relationship with Hilary is getting bad day by day. On the other side, the detective found a body that looked like it’s Gus’s. Is it true? Let’s see what’s gonna happen next.

Margaret in a morgue with Clarke. Her mental health getting worse day by day. In the morning, she came there & searched everyone like crazy. At least they found a women & went to the ward to find out her child. The morgue cleaner took them in a room & locked it. They didn’t expect it but sitting on the room. Clarke blames her for hiring Mercy.

Previous Episodes from the Show;

  1. Expats” Episode 1: Recap and Explained
  2. “Expats” Episode 2: Recap and Explained
  3. “Expats” Episode 3: Recap and Explained

Margaret feels that’s it’s her fault because she didn’t hold her son’s hand rightly. Clarke thinks that he is look alike to him & because of he is not a white boy, people can easily be kidnapped & sell him. Clarke accepted that he is now going to church to get peace. Later the Morgue Receptionist came & unlocked then.

Then she invited Margaret & Clarke to come into another room. Margaret thinks Gus didn’t died yet but Clarke requests her to move on. He said that they have other two children also, so they must return into their normal lives. Margaret understood that she wasn’t taking care of Daisy & Philips. In the morgue, she called her daughter Daisy to talk with her. Later they filled out the forms & got ready to see Gus.

Mercy is passing the time with David. She still suffering ebar happened with Gus & unable to forgive herself . In the morning she also makes coffee for David but he doesn’t drink it because of it bad taste. He knows that his mother-in-law is coming. But, in spite of returning home, he is enjoying quality time with Mercy. One thing we understand is that Mercy still thinks to be rich as she doesn’t like the life of a middle-class girl. They enjoying a good time & right then David mistakenly tells her that she is responsible to losing a child of a family. David have an identical twin.

But, during childhood by his mistake his brother became paralyzed. He also said his brother’s name is Danny & every time he blames himself for the condition of Danny. Mercy becomes pregnant & David is taking care of her. David said he has low fertility that’s why can’t be a father. Maybe that’s why he is taking care of Mercy.

Hilary leading a completely one life. Her mother is coming to meet her. Brinder arrives to meet her, she is the mother of Hilary. Unfortunately, they are stuck in an elevator with Tilda. In the elevator, she started to speak about the problems of Hilary. She also requested to come into her house so that she could become pregnant soon. Hillary’s father has a tumor on lungs & that’s why Brinder requested her to come. Hilary knows her father also did an affair which she can’t accept.

Hilary said she really wants to enjoy her life that’s why she doesn’t want any babies. She said that David left her . Hilary started discussing with Tilda telling her how her childhood was painful when her father use of best her mother. Lots of time passed, and they still stuck in the Elevator. After a lot of trouble and sharing their grief, their lift is finally fixed.

At the end the lift where Hilary & her mother was fixed. Watching the dead body in the morgue, Clarke started crying & Margaret said it’s not her son. David also left home. That’s how this episode ends. This episode has nothing just everybody realised their faults & some flashbacks. That’s how it’s ended.

Four episodes of ” Expats” is currently streaming now in Prime Video with Hindi & English audio along with subtitles.


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