‘Delete’ Series Episode 7: Mr. Too finds Lilly finally, but it’s too late. As we are discussing an episode-wise recap, let’s know about episode 7. Here Goes the Recap and ending explained for Episode 7 of the show.

Mr. Too saw how his wife vanished when Yutthachai took a picture of her. Claire is back in the world in that same supermarket. Now, Too is on the way to capture him, and Yutthachai is trying to delete him. Yutthachai finally found his daughter. Mr. Too is behind him to capture him. Now, it’s a car chasing scene, with Mr. Too behind Yutthachai. In the night, two cars are at full speed. But Mr. Too is unable to capture him as Yutthachai derouted him.

Claire comes to her mother and says she requested Lilly to delete her because she doesn’t want to come back here. Yutthachai doesn’t want to run because he wants to delete everybody who tries to capture him and his family.

On the other side, Aim is calling Non, who is in the police station and got the address of Yutthachai. But Mr. Too has already reached there and points the gun toward Claire and her mom. When Yutthachai is on the way to give that phone to Mr. Too, Mr. Too shoots him in his shoulder.

Claire and her mom escape, and Yutthachai too. Now, Mr. Too is behind Yutthachai to find him. On the other hand, Aim is heading towards Yutthachai’s home. While Mr. Too has a gun, Yutthachai has the phone. While he is on the way to take a photo of Mr. Too, Too manages to escape somehow. Aim just reached Claire’s home.

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On the other side, Yutthachai continually flashes to delete Mr. Too. In the night between the woods, a fight between Mr. Too and Yutthachai ends when Mr. Too captures him and takes that phone. Yutthachai requests him to delete himself. So, Mr. Too goes to take the phone, which is on the ground. When Mr. Too is taking the phone and seeing its functions, Yutthachai is on his back, all the way to kill him.

At that moment, Aim comes up and saves Mr. Too from Yutthachai. Finally, Mr. Too takes the picture and deletes Yutthachai. Later, Mr. Too tells everything to Aim. Lilly comes back from the supermarket. Aim went there to rescue her, and in the car, Lilly asks him where Too is now. Aim asks her why she worries about him. Later, Lilly talks about that Birthday celebration night when Lily mentioned the pregnancy to Mr. Too. After hearing that, he replies that he already knew about it.

He also knows that he is the father, but he doesn’t care about it. All he wants is to raise that baby together, so he requests Lilly not to tell Aim. Mr. Too wants a family with Lilly, so Lilly accepts him and hugs him. In the car, Lilly says she wants to give a chance to Mr. Too, and she is pregnant with Too’s child. Aim also wants a serious relationship with Lilly, but it looks like Lilly has made up her mind, so she wants to be back with Mr. Too.

On the other side, Mr. Too deletes Claire’s mother, and he is behind Claire too, but Claire manages to escape somehow. On the other side, Lilly breaks up with Aim and moves in with Mr. Too. After coming a long way, Aim gets nothing. And that’s how this episode ends. Let’s head towards the next episode.

Also Read: ‘Delete’ Series Ending Explained



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