A Shop For Killers Episode 3: Disney released another action mystery thriller Korean drama which is released weekly. The story tells about Jian a teenage girl who is attacked by unknown people when her uncle dies suddenly. She gets to know what her uncle Jinman is when she meets people she has seen before.

The episode starts with a flashback when Jian was 17 years old. Workers are breaking the room walls to rebuild them into stronger ones as requested by Jinman. So while that work is going they both go to Jirisan mountain. When they reached the mountaintop, Jinman got a fever, his skin was burning hot, and he was sweating a lot. Jinman asks Jian to help him by giving them a map and tells her to go to the emergency call place in the map to ask for rescue.

Jian forcefully says ok, as she gets ready to go Jinman gives her a slingshot weapon and warns her there will be animals that eat humans out there so be careful. He says if anything happens call his name loudly, and he will be there for her. As she goes to the forest, Jinman calls someone and says the drug is working, and will see what she can do. Jinman faked his fever to make Jian go alone.

As she opens a door, she is surrounded by hyenas. She throws stones and them, and one hyena runs, and suddenly Jinman comes with a gun to scatter those hyenas. It looks like Jinman was trying to make Jian overcome her fear. Next, we see Jian trying to break the glass using a slingshot but it’s not breaking, Jinman breaks it with a gun. Jinman teaches her how to use a gun. Eventually, she learns to use a gun perfectly.
Cut to the current situation Jian is at home with Jeongmin, drones are attacking them with bullets.

They hide behind many things but they can’t resist the shots. As Jeong min walks So Minhye fights him and checks his hand to scan on her watch, then makes him sleep with an injection. Then So Minhye starts fighting with Jian, as they fight when Minhye scans Jian’s hand with her watch she sees a green code, and starts protecting her. Suddenly a shot appears inside the house.

It was the same shot that happened at the beginning of episode one. People are gathered at the bridge to shoot Jian from a long distance. As they shoot Minhye tries to retreat they see her and feel something fishy. Seongjo shoots Minhye and a bullet hits her hand. She ties her wound with her clothes. Other attackers start coming to the house to kill Jian. As they come Jian jumps so the sofa and sees the snipper gun in it. She shoots Seongjo but he won’t get hit by it.

As attackers try to enter the home So Minhye shoots at them. While shooting going on So Minhye tells Jian to go to the storage room. Jinman used to work out there. So Minhye tries to defend as much as she can till Jian goes to the storage room.

At the end of the episode, Jian and Jeongmin get to the storage room. They see a passcode lock. As they try their birthdates nothing gets worked, suddenly Jian remembers Jinman telling her to remember her school number. As she types the lift goes underground.

When they reach there they see a lot of weapons locked in there. Suddenly a guy in a mask comes pointing a gun at her and says “I’m brother”. And episode ends with a lot of gunshot sounds inside the room.

More Episode Recaps Of ‘A Shop For Killers’

  1. A Shop For Killers Episode 1 Explained
  2. A Shop For Killers Episode 2 Explained



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