Netflix Original presents an American animated adventure series “Skull Island” from the Monsterverse franchise. The series is created and written by Brian Duffield. Before knowing what happened to Mike, let’s know about the summary of the series.

This series is based on Monsterverse and tells us the journey of a group of explorers trapped on Skull Island where they encounter mysterious creatures along with King Kong and his enemies. In the first episode, we see that Cap’s boat is attacked by a giant squid sea monster. Mike and his father join this adventure, they are warned by a guy about an island, but they don’t listen.

So, in the first episode, they use mini bombs to locate the monster which activates the giant squid. Its big tentacles kill Mike’s father, and not only that, but they also harm Mike too. In the second episode, we see that Mike is suffering in pain from the sea monster. It makes him weaker, and he starts suffering from a fever.

Later in the series, it is revealed that the sea monster electrocuted him with poison, leaving him pale and weak. Irene and Cao try to cure him with some plants. The series doesn’t reveal what happens to him in the end, but we see him helping Cap against a creature. He must be in a bad condition, trapped inside the forest of the island.

This will be revealed in the second season, and maybe he will be cured by something connected to the Hollow Earth. That’s the prediction, so let’s wait till season 2 comes.



Love To Watch, Explain and Decode Films and Shows Since 2014. Chemical Engineer By Degree Cinephile by Choice. I Love to Watch Anime and Games Related shows.

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