Who Was Behind The H5G9 Virus Outbreak?: The main reason behind the virus outbreak is not yet known, but Season 2 of the Netflix original fantasy drama “Sweet Tooth” is currently streaming on Netflix with eight episodes. This show is based on the comic of the same name, created by Jeff Lemire.

Before knowing the answer, let’s have an overview of the story. The post-apocalyptic fantasy drama series tells the story of a hybrid boy who is looking for his parents. During his journey, he meets lots of friends and also unveils lots of secrets.

Some people are so ambitious that they want to achieve everything in their life. When the microbes got out of the lab, people started referring to each other as sick. Birdie also didn’t know how they spread. After that, she met with her boss Gillian. It was later revealed that it was “Pride” that Gillian created which led to this mass outbreak. Washington, lying on the bed, said that “she is the patient zero” of this virus. Gillian injected herself to make a revolution in medicine.

She also said that there are two eggs, one is inside of Gillian and the other one becomes Genetic Unit Series 1. She also said that Gus is the solution to this, so she requested Birdie to bring him. But Birdie left Gus, so she immediately left that place and went to Alaska to find the solution.



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