What Happens To Lisa In Platform 7?: Platform 7 is a British psychological horror thriller drama television series set to premiere on ITVX on 7 December 2023, followed by ITV1 after its release. Written by Paula Milne, produced by Dancing Ledge Productions, executive produced by Chris Carey and Laurence Bowen, and produced by Rosalie Carew.

Lisa, a young woman who died under the train, is trapped in a train station with no memory beyond fragments of her life. Her spirit goes unseen until Edward joins her in the purgatorial afterlife. Lisa’s parents and boyfriend, Matt, visit her to lay flowers at the spot where she died, allowing her to follow them out of the station and roam the wider world. Through flashbacks, Lisa discovers that Something Is Amiss, a mysterious force that questions her life choices.

Later, we see that Sasha, a police officer, investigates the death of Lisa Evans, initially ruled as a suicide. However, she suspects foul play involving Dr. Matt Goodson, Lisa’s partner. Sasha and various characters interact, discussing plans with Matt and discussing an investigation. A colleague suggests Lisa’s death may not have been a suicide and urges Sasha to discredit Goodson’s claims.

Also Read: Platform 7 Episode 3: Recap and Explained

Sasha contacts Helen Gao, Dr. Goodson’s ex-girlfriend, and learns disturbing details about Goodson’s history with women. Matt’s encounter with an ex-colleague triggers Lisa’s insecurities, causing unease in their relationship. Lisa’s friend Izzy introduces a rumor about Matt’s behavior, escalating the strain. Matt asserts innocence, emphasizing trust as a central thread in their story.

Lisa discovers Edward’s true nature, as she knew Ella from her teacher training and reported her abuse. Edward didn’t take his own life because he was ashamed of his daughter’s abuse, but because Luke threatened to reveal his true nature.

Sasha investigates Lisa’s case, discovering spyware on her phone and a video clip raising suspicions about Dr. Goodson’s involvement in Lisa’s death.



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