Son of a Critch is a Canadian comedy-drama series created by Mark Critch and Tim McAuliffe. It’s based on the memoir of the same name by Mark Critch who also created this show.

The series is based on the adolescence of Canadian Comedian Mark Critch. Mark Critch, a 11 Year Old Boy whose brain is much older than his age, uses Comedy to make new friends and try to connect with people in his small world.

The series cast and their Characters: Benjamin Evan Ainsworth as Mark Critch, Mark Critch as Mike Critch, Claire Rankin as Mary Critch, Malcolm McDowell as Patrick, Colton Gobbo as Mike Critch Jr., Sophia Powers as Fox, Mark Rivera as Ritchie Perez and more. Mark Critch Played the role of his father in this comedy-drama series.

Son of a Critch, Season 2 Episode 3, titled “Feast or Famine” is going to be released on January 18, 2023, on CBC Television.



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