Pedro Rodriguez Death: Netflix presents an eight-episode Spanish crime thriller series ‘Burning Body,’ which is currently streaming on Netflix with Hindi and English audio, along with subtitles.

This series is based on some real events—a murder investigation of a cop in Barcelona and the lifestyle of his wife, Rosa Peral. In this article, we are going to discuss who actually killed Pedro. So, let’s find out.

Pedro Rodriguez is a cop in Barcelona; he was basically a traffic policeman. His first wife is Silvia, and they have a baby boy too. But after meeting Rosa, he fell in love with her. Rosa made some harsh decisions and married him, resulting in an unhealthy relationship. Pedro’s highly suspicious mindset and possessive nature made their relationship very unhealthy. On the other hand, Rosa also loves Albert. As Albert and Rosa both hate Pedro, they plan to make a ruthless decision.

So, they made a plan to kill Pedro. In this plan, Rosa added sleeping pills to Pedro’s dinner, which made him sleep. Then, in the middle of the night, Albert entered their house and killed Pedro. After killing him, the next day, they took Pedro’s body in his car and placed it in The Foix Reservoir. Then, they both poured diesel on the car and burned it completely so that the body was fully destroyed. Despite their efforts to eliminate all evidence of Pedro’s murder, they were eventually caught due to some mistakes.

Where is Pedro Rodrguez's Wife Rosa Peral Now?

So, we can say that Rosa and Albert both killed Pedro Rodriguez. Pedro was Rosa’s second husband, and due to their unhealthy relationship, Rosa made the decision to kill him.

That’s all you wanted to know. We discussed who killed Pedro and how. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.


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