Imogene In ‘Death And Other Details Actress Name: Hulu presents an American mystery crime thriller ten episodic series created by Mike Weiss and Heidi Cole McAdams. The revolves around a murder happening in a wealthy family and it’s investigation. After years another murder happens on a cruise ship Varuna sailing in the Mediterranean with people closely related to Lawrence Collier who is a very powerful and rich businessman for his retirement.

Imogene Scott is Anna’s childhood friend who was taken in by the Collier family. Imogene’s mother was a secretary died in front of her in a car blast. When she was child after her mother’s death, she was very affected. Lawren Collier appointed a detective to find the truth of her mother’s death. In this show we can see Imogene in her 8th age age and her twenties.

Imogene is played by Violett Beane. She is an American actress and director, known for The Flash (2014), God Friended Me (2018) and Truth or Dare (2018). She is a charming beauty who acts so passionately in her roles. Her role in The Flash movie was a remarkable one, she has lot of fan following around the world. The roles she opted match her style perfectly.

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When it comes to Imogene, she had habit of stealing things from others even when she was child. First time we see her, Mrs. Collins says to detective Rufus that Imogene got suspended from school for stealing a limited edition book from the library and they don’t blame her as her mother died she is suffering things. Also Lawrence says they see her as their daughter. It shows they have a liking on Imogene. As Rufus starts asking what happened she answers with details.

Imogene is a gifted girl, she can analyze and memorize her surroundings than other people. When Rufus asks her things she was able to think and retrieve the details more clearly. More things that no one notices that easily. Rufus has a way of writing his notes using a secret word, and Imogene cracks that secret easily. Rufus thinks of her as an intelligent and gifted child. He sees her as his assistant in these detective things. Her skill to notice things is what makes her unique from others.

She is now in her last twenties enjoying her life but her unsolved case remains in her head. When she saw Rufus after 20 years she still remembers his promise made to her to find her mother’s killer and truth behind it. She shows her anger on him at the food table by hitting him with glass. Before Danny got killed, he made a quarrel with a cruise staff flexing with his luxurious watch. Imogene went to his tent and warned him for this. We can see a good person in her this scene.

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As he mocks her same night she enters his room breaks his watch and goes. Sometimes she acts like a child. After her romance with Jules, when she got to know about the murder she misused their affair by using the security access pin to enter the surveillance room and delete the CCTV footage. Imogene is a girl with a curiosity to know the truth on everything. She teams up with Rufus to collect information about the murder and deep-kept secrets in the Collins family. She excels in her charm on every scene.

That’s all about the character of Imogene. If you have any questions regarding it, feel free to ask in the comment section.



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