“Criminal Record” Series Episode 1: “Criminal Record” is a recently streamed Apple TV+ original show, currently available with 3 episodes. This is a crime thriller investigation drama show available in multiple languages with subtitles. The show has generated decent buzz among audiences, and we are going to give a detailed recap of all episodes.

Episode 1 starts with a lady sitting with a guy in a cab; the name of the cab driver was Daniel. The guy asked him how much time he’s been driving. He said, “A couple of years.”

The guy also asked Daniel if he was in the army before this. Daniel said no; he was a police detective. The name of the lady was Kelly. Daniel started telling him a story about Christmas about how he caught a criminal. The man asked Daniel to tell him more stories. Daniel said he has a million stories.

After that, we could see a lady in the PCO. She was connecting her call to the police; she declined to tell her name. She said she needs the police. After that, the intro appears. Post-intro, we can see a police station; one policeman is talking to his mom on the call. He was talking about someone spotting her mother’s house.

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After entering the office, the policewoman was trying to search in her database. She was seeing that car which was stopped outside her mom’s house. The name of the policewoman is June; she got a call from helpline about that woman who called and she didn’t tell her name.

June picks up that call and introduces herself as Jasmine. The unknown caller is talking to the police and complaining to the police about her boyfriend, that he will murder her girlfriend. The unknown caller started narrating everything. She also told that her boyfriend threatened her with a knife.

In the meantime, the police reach the PCO. She got away from the location; June started tracing the unknown caller. June was investigating that murder which was committed by the unknown caller’s boyfriend. She also said, “there is a man in prison doing 24 years for killing.”

June Lenker In 'Criminal Record' Actress Name

June ran many queries in her database; she was trying to figure out about her boyfriend. June started finding a connection to previous cases. She covered so much and went to her boss, told him everything. June leaves the office, and she meets that cab driver which we have seen at the start of the episode. His full name was Sergeant Daniel Hegarty. June Lenker thanked him for meeting with her.

June was from CID, and Daniel agreed to help her. June told Daniel about that anonymous caller from Hayes Lane. June finds out a connection with the 2012 connection. Erol Mathis was in charge, but Daniel said he was a poor guy. Lenker went further with the investigation. Lenker told everything to Daniel about that unknown caller, what she said on call. All details were given by Lenker. Both of them were discussing the case; Mathis was in jail for 24 years for the crime he didn’t even commit, as per Daniel.

Lenker leaves Daniel’s office. Lenker was sitting in her car thinking about the case. On the other side, something was going on in Daniel’s mind; he was getting some past flashbacks.

Lenker goes to the same PCO where that anonymous caller went. After that, Lenker goes home; she was talking to her husband about that. She received a call from Chloe, but she didn’t get any lead. Daniel also goes back home. The next day, Lenker again gets back to work. Lenker wasn’t able to log in to the system; her access got denied. Her boss called her into the office.

When she entered the cabin of her boss, she meets DI Markham who was from the Professional Standards Department. They came to conduct for Lenker. Lenker said what she had done, but DI Markham said it’s a part of the process.

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Lenker goes to meet Sonya Singh; she was also related to the case. Sonya gave her a file. Both of them go into a cafe; they were discussing about the case and trial. Sonya asked her about what she is really doing, but Lenker wasn’t answering honestly. Sonya also wanted some help from Lenker. When Sonya asked her about will she really help or she will also cheat them, when she asked this, Lenker got up and left from that place.

Lenker called Chloe and said her to run a PND search for her about “Patrick Burrowes.” He was picked up for possession; he was a minor just 12 years old. The arresting officer was Michael Hargraves. No charges were found; they left him after that.

She asked Chloe for some other details, but there was no contact with him. After that, we can see Patrick living with his partner. Patrick leaves for work, but suddenly one woman meets him, and she said to Patrick to talk on the phone. On the other side, it was his dad who called him to wish him a birthday, but he didn’t talk to him. Patrick was getting some strange flashbacks which were so bloody.

He is still carrying his childhood trauma with him. On the other side, Lenker was listening to some kind of tapes. Patrick went to a restaurant; it was his first day of the job as a chef.

The tapes which Lenker was listening to, in that, Patrick’s father says, “I killed Adelaide Burrowes.” He took a knife from the kitchen drawer and put it in her. She was listening to that tape carefully that was Patrick’s dad confessing. While cutting onions in the kitchen of a restaurant, Patrick cut his finger because he was remembering everything at that time.

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On the other side, Daniel was having a talk with some man named Tony. Daniel told Tony that there is an investigation going on for Erol Mathis, and Daniel was hiding something. Tony says to Daniel, “you have come to the wrong house, man.” Daniel leaves; there was something going on in his mind. On the other side, Lenker received a call from DI Markham, and she said to her she wants to meet her face to face.

After Markham, she received a call from Jasmine, and she gave her a lead about a girl. Her name is “Maria De Souza.” They connect the call to Maria; she was hiding in the bathroom. She wasn’t relying on them on call; she was scared so much.

Lenker said to Maria to take keys and shove it into his face. Lenker informed all units about the crime. By the time Lenker reaches, someone throws Maria from the ninth floor. She gets into the lift to find that man, and the episode 1 ends.

Next Episode: “Criminal Record” Series Episode 2 Explained



I’m Mohit, a passionate Cinebuff writer and IT student with a knack for storytelling. I love using my skills to create engaging and informative content that helps people discover new movies and shows and learn more about the industry. When I’m not writing, I’m usually coding or playing video games.