Ian Brady Death, Last Words, Real Image: Prime Video is back with a new crime thriller documentary, a three-part series that tells the story of criminal Ian Brady. His story made it into American news. In this article, we are going to talk about Ian Brady, the main criminal of the story. So let’s get started.

Ian Brady is known for the murders of five innocent children, along with his partner Myra Hindley. The evil couple gained a lot of popularity between 1963 and 1965 when they murdered and sexually tortured these five innocent children.

Who Was Ian Brady?

Ian Brady was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1938. He had psychopathic tendencies from his childhood. He appeared in court twice as a teenager. The first time was when he got caught during a housebreak, and the second time he faced nine charges against him for threatening his girlfriend with a knife when he caught her dancing with another boy. He then went to a prohibition and later got out, living with his mother. They both moved to Manchester, where his father used to live.

Some of his neighbors mentioned in the documentary that he used to torture animals while he lived there. In 1959, he got a job at a chemical factory. When asked about him, his fellow employees described him as quiet, and punctual, but short-tempered. He also used to read books about Nazi rule and Hitler.

How many people did they kill?

They killed a total of 5 children before sexually assaulting them. Myra’s duty was to lure the children, and then Ian would kill them. All the victims were between the ages of 10 and 17. Their names were Pauline Reade, John Kilbride, Keith Bennett, Lesley Ann Downey, and Edward Evans. The first two bodies were discovered in 1965, and the others were found in 1987, but Keith’s body has still not been discovered.

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Ian spent 19 years in prison and was also declared a psychopath by the court. He was sent to a hospital, where he stated that he never wanted to leave. He died in May 2017 due to a pulmonary disease.



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