‘Henry’ In “Constellation” Character Explained: “Constellation” is a sci-fi thriller series streaming on Apple TV. Four episodes of this series are streaming now the rest will come on a weekly basis. Henry is another major character in this series. As people want to know more about the character. In this article, we are gonna discuss it with some proper explanation.

Before we start our discussion. Let’s have a quick recap of the story of this series. The story is about an astronaut who finds real unrealistic changes after she comes to Earth from Space. In the series the character ‘ Henry’ is played by Jonathan Banks. He is an American actor & 77 years old. Some of his great movies are ” Mudbound”(2007), and ” The Commuter”(2018). But, he is actually famous for ” Breaking Bad” , and ” Better Call Saul” series.

Henry also used to be an astronaut. He also takes some medicine which is vitamin B which Jo taking right now. It could be possible that they both had the same vision. Because Henry knows how it feels after coming back from the space. He is doing research on a project & puts a lot of time into it. This project is going on the space & then the accident happened. He used to think a lot about this thing. After Jo returned from space he is very happy to see his research comparing it to ” Eureka”.

This project is something that might be a thing or existence that got the exact same replica. However, we don’t have deep knowledge about it because the show hasn’t revealed too much about it. But it shows a real existence of mirror verse which is exactly the same as our universe but with some little changes.

Hard to believe this thing. But later we see the same character named Bud. Who is doing a journey on a cruise? There he met a man who giving him a lecture about space & time which he didn’t like. So, he threw that man from the cruise.

After this incident, the FBI reached the cruise to find out exactly what happened that day. They found that man talked with Bud & then they went outside. FBI started doubting on Bud but they haven’t enough evidence. The FBI also found CCTV footage so they saw it & they saw a strange pattern which was already seen in Henry’s experiment.

Also Read: “Constellation” Episode 5 Recap and Explained

That’s all about the character Henry. If you have any more doubts feel free to ask in the comment section.



Love To Watch, Explain and Decode Films and Shows Since 2014. Chemical Engineer By Degree Cinephile by Choice. I Love to Watch Anime and Games Related shows.