‘Delete’ Series Episode 5: A mysterious guy attacked Mr. Too. Things are getting more interesting. As we do an episode-wise recap, let’s discuss the recap of episode 5.

Going back to the past when Thong Temika went missing, Thong is the daughter of the teacher and sister of Tong. Tong is worried about what he saw. He was trying to inform his mother, but he didn’t. On the other side, June is suffering from what she did. She also vanished a dead crow in front of the church. We can understand that June doesn’t have humanity inside her. Previously, we saw Aim and Lilly feeling hesitant while trying to use this camera. But June didn’t feel hesitation. She went into the church and turned it on. Now that camera had a red dot marking everyone present in the church.

If she clicks it, everyone will vanish. Thong stopped her from doing this. Tong wants to know how it works and how June found it. June said she stole it from Lilly. Here, June confessed she didn’t disappear, Lilly, so what’s the truth? Thong also asked how it brings back people, but June doesn’t know. In this scene, Tong notices blood spots on Lilly’s neck. Is it from the effect of using that camera again and again? We’ll find out later. Moving on with the story, Tong takes that camera from June to keep it. Later, we see Captain Yutthachai coming to the school because Ploysai went missing.

'Delete' Series
‘Delete’ Series

Later, we see Mr. Too talking with his father. His father asks him if the police found anything or not. Mr. Too confirms that they got nothing. His father did everything to make his farmhouse look good, but it seems that he isn’t happy at all after this incident. Later, we see the past story of Mr. Too, how his father killed his mom and tortured him. In the middle of the night, Mr. Too goes into a room because he hears some noise. When he reaches there, a man with a black dress and mask attacks him. All he wants is a phone. During the fight, the unknown guy leaves his necklace.

Mr. Too finds it, and it has the name “Araya R.” Later, by searching the name on the internet, he finds the necklace on the girl who went missing in the first episode. He also finds out that the girl was close to another girl who is a cancer patient. After talking with her, Mr. Too is ready to meet her at the hospital. Later, he reaches there and asks about the necklace. Mr. Too tells her about the previous night’s incident. Her name is Natcha. Mr. Too also asks Natcha if she knows anything about the phone that the unknown guy was asking about the previous night. After requesting too much, Natcha says it’s probably “Claire’s father” behind all of this.

Aim is researching Mr. Too’s family. While searching about Lilly, he finds out that Ploysai, a girl from the same school as June, also went missing mysteriously. While June is in the church, she receives a message from someone who knows about her. The blackmailer also demands the phone and arranges to meet at the old building. Soon, June goes into the old building, where an unknown guy with a black dress meets her, pointing a gun. Soon, Tong arrives there and saves June, and they somehow escape.

Meanwhile, Aim also arrives there in search of June and sees flashes from the old building. On the other side, a breathtaking chasing scene ends with a big loss. The guy in the black dress finds that phone and deletes June. Soon, Aim also arrives there and hears that June has vanished. Now, the twist comes up. The schoolgirls find Ploysai. So, Aim and Tong both wonder how Ploysai came back if June deleted her. Then Tong replies, “Only when the photographer’s… deleted.” Later, Tong also informs Aim that June didn’t delete Lilly; she only deleted Ploysai. Now, all they have to do is find the attacker, the guy in the black dress.

Delete Netflix Series

This episode ends with another big twist. Claire’s father and the unknown guy described by Tong are the same person. Aim and Mr. Too realize he is none other than Captain Yutthachai himself and also the father of the girl who went missing in the first episode. After Mr. Too comes out of the hospital, he receives a call from an unknown number, and it is Lilly. Lilly asks for help as she is kidnapped.

Things are getting interesting, and twists are blowing your mind. So, Lilly wasn’t deleted; she was just kidnapped. And how did Ploysai come back? And the big thing is the involvement of Detective Yutthachai. Let’s see what happens next.

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Love To Watch, Explain and Decode Films and Shows Since 2014. Chemical Engineer By Degree Cinephile by Choice. I Love to Watch Anime and Games Related shows.