Will Kitty Return in KISS? : Netflix Original presents a romantic drama series, “XO Kitty,” which is currently streaming on Netflix with Hindi and English audio along with subtitles.

Before knowing the answer, let’s take a look at the story. Kitty, the youngest Covey sister, went to the “Korean Independent School of Seoul, K.I.S.S,” to find secrets about her mom and met her boyfriend Dae. However, she faces lots of secrets and incidents there.

In the last episode, after the results are out, a teacher catches Kitty living in a boys’ room. Principal Lim calls her, and she tries to explain the problems she faced while living with her roommate, but nobody listens.

As a result, Kitty is expelled. However, later we see Yuri, asking her mother, Principal Lim, to reconsider Kitty’s situation, as Yuri also stayed in a boys’ room. So, from this, we can assume that Kitty will return since the principal’s own daughter committed a similar offense, and Kitty might be considered. This will make her come back to K.I.S.S.

I hope the question is clear. In case you want to know anything else, please ask in the comment section.



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