Wilderness Episode 3: So, who was that in the Red Raincoat? Let’s find out in the discussion of the recap of this episode. This episode starts in the past. We see that Will is trying to do everything to impress Liv’s mother. He used to be a sweet guy who really loved Liv. So, what happened between them?

Let’s return to the present. Liv wakes up in her room. She is thinking of leaving this place, and yes, she remembers everything that happened last night in the forest. In front of the mirror, she recites that late at night, she couldn’t find Will in her house. She also deleted the message that the unknown person sent on Will’s phone. During this, she gets a knock on the door. And guess who is behind the door? It’s Will.

Previous Episode: Wilderness Episode 2: Recap And Ending Explained

So, who was that in the forest late at night? Is Will still alive? Will says sorry to her, but Liv is totally afraid and thinking about what just happened in the forest. Later, they both want to check out from the hotel because they just don’t want to stay any longer.

Meanwhile, Will is looking for his red jacket, so he asks the receptionist. Hearing this, Liv goes outside and finds that Garth is looking for Cara. So, Cara is missing along with Will’s red raincoat. It looks like things are totally messed up. Liv thinks Cara may have decided to leave Garth. Is it true or just her assumption? Searching in the room, Garth finds Cara’s passport and other important documents. Will calls Bonnie to find out what happened to Cara, and obviously, she doesn’t know anything.

The police and forensic team have started searching for Cara all over the forest. Searching in the forest with Will, Liv finds her necklace. She somehow handles it and takes that necklace. Right then, the police find an unknown female body that is completely thrashed and destroyed from falling down from a height. The police rescue her body, although she is in a critical situation, but maybe she’ll recover soon. Garth is taking care of her in the hospital. Cara opens her eyes and is somehow able to talk but has not fully recovered.

The doctor says that it may be a traumatic brain injury, which can result in a neurological disorder and loss of memory. Liv apologizes to her, and Cara replies that it’s not her fault. Right now, it’s really confusing to understand what’s actually happening.

Also Read: Wilderness Episode 2: Recap, Summary And Ending Explained

Later, Liv returns to her room. The next day, she finds that Garth is talking with Will and saying that Cara has died. Liv becomes surprised after hearing this. She doesn’t know what to do, so she calls her mother, Caryl. She shares everything with her and feels helpless. The way Caryl handles her daughter is really effective.

Liv is afraid and unable to understand what to do. Meanwhile, Will takes her and informs her that he spent one night with Cara. Not only that, he also met her for the last time. So, the police must interrogate him, and that’s why he is so confused and tells Liv the truth. Will said everything to her because he wants an alibi. Liv starts to smile upon hearing about the situation. Will also said that last night, when he met with Cara, she was so upset because of a fight with Garth. He needs Cara to say in the interrogation that Will was at the bar last night.

Right then, the supervising ranger arrives as she wants to interrogate them. The ranger assumes that in the storm, Cara lost her path and fell down from the hill. So, she died in a misadventure. As Will confirms that Cara was just his colleague, the ranger is a little bit curious about this. Will said that last night, after finishing drinks, they returned to their room. But Will wanted to drink more, so he went to the bar. So, Liv agrees to help her husband and accepts whatever he says.

More From This: Wilderness Ending Explained – Amazon Prime Video

This is getting interesting, but we have to find out what exactly happened last night. Let’s move on to the next episode.



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