Who is curing King George’s health problem, and how? After the huge success of “Bridgerton,” Netflix recently released a spin-off named “Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story,” which is currently streaming in English, Hindi, and other languages with subtitles.

Before we delve into the answer, let’s explore the story of this series. “Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story” is a romantic historical drama series based on the life story of Queen Charlotte, depicting how she became Queen and fell in love with her husband, King George.

So, who cured King George’s health problem? King George was suffering from stress and pressure, as he found it challenging to cope with the responsibilities of being a king. He enjoyed living his life on his terms, spending time farming and with horses. However, things became complicated when his mother, Queen Augusta, informed him that his future wife was coming. This caused immense stress, and he began losing himself.

Several royal doctors were unable to understand his problem until Dr. John Monro stepped in. Dr. John had devoted his entire life to treating mental patients.

Dr.John Monro realised that, it’s a mental problem what George is facing. King George’s brain & nerves are disorganised and need to be cure. For this, started his experimental treatments with King George to make him better.

But, this treatment turns into pathetic torture , a bath with full of ice cubes,too much pain through the leeches . This is how he was trying to cure to King George. When Queen Charlotte founds it she immediately take King George intor Buckingham palace. Later, by Queen Charlotte’s charmness and love somehow healed king George. Though it didn’t stay long, at the end of the series we saw Old King George is completely mad but he only can found his true self with Queen Charlotte under his bed.



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