The Good Mothers Episode 3 Summary & Ending Explained: “The Good Mothers” is a television series that tells the story of three women who were born into a powerful and dangerous mafia organization in Italy. They work with a brave prosecutor to bring down the organization from the inside.

The series has six episodes and was released on Disney+ in February 2023. It is based on a true story and is available to watch online.

Episode 3 starts with another flashback where Denise’s father tries to hurt Denise’s mother. The screen fades out it’s raining Denise sitting in a bar. Carmine come and order a soda. Denise told that all calls and photos of her mother had gone with her phone then Carmine shows Denise how to make a good pizza. The whole thing goes to the police station .

Police watch the news that there is an urban guerilla war happening. It spreads from Gioria Tauro to Rosarno. Here we all know about ‘Ndrangheta, a big mafia organization. Police arrested 17 members of the Beloco family. Giusy ( the women who collect money from factories ) find out a police electronic bug in her working area. The whole thing is now in the police investigation room Lea Garefello’s ex-lawyer is with them.

Ex-lawyer says that Lea Garefello (Denise’s Mother) is the only witness who wants to destroy Denise fathers( Carlo Cosco) Mafia Empire. In flashback, we find out that a man called Sabartino went to kill Lea Garefello as a washing machine repairman. But he failed now he is in jail. The police officer comes to him with a new charge sheet and claims that the orders are from Carlo Cosco.

Police arrested Carlo Cosco on the basis of that repairman’s talk. The camera is now on Giusy. Giusy call her daughter and told her she will be late tonight. Police arrested her too with her boss at midnight. And the episode ends with a close shot where Giusy is Hanging Herself with a jail bar.

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This was all about The Good Mothers Episode 3 Recap And Ending Explained, Which was released on Hulu a few days Back, What do you think about the show?, Please let us know in the comments.


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