In this season of Jack Ryan, we see Jack Ryan attempting to save the world from the Soviet Project, whose mission is to change the world through a nuclear attack, where they have the power to destroy the world. In this article, I am going to cover all the details of the Sokol project.

Here are the details about the Real Story, The Man Behind the Project and Some more details related to it.

What Is Sokol Project?

The Sokol Project, which is a nuclear missile development that can easily fly under the radar and no one has the ability to track the missile’s location from anywhere, means that this missile is partially invisible. Its mission was to bring glory to the Soviet Union all over the world.

Who Began This Project?

We see this project in Matoksa, USSR, in 1969, but it failed and they were unable to create radar-free zones. After that, Young Luka ordered his superior to shut down this project so that it couldn’t become public. That’s why he ordered all the engineers and scientists to be killed so that it couldn’t become leaked.

In the present day, we see Russia, where they begin this project under Alexei Petrov, who suggests to President Surikv that they begin this project under Nato’s decision and get this mission to be used in the Czech Republic, and they plan with their meeting so that these missile missions do not leak and do not affect the people.

Read About: Dmitry Popov Assassination? – Real Story?

Is The Sokol Project A Real Project?

This project is similar to one in Russia, where they are developing something similar called the Sokol Echelon System, but this project was traced and abandoned later. After that, later on in the early 2010s, they revived this project, but for the blind sensors of satellites for the orbits, and according to the media, they conducted a case in 2009.

Similarly to that, the 3M 22 Zircon is a weapon with a similar function.



An Engineer By Profession, Moviegeek By Passion. Been Watching and Reviewing Films and Shows From Last 7 Years. Action Movies are in my Blood and Covering the same from last 7 Years.