Sindey Apple Tv: Have you ever wondered while watching old Hollywood movies that if the question of RACE is still that big in the 21st century, how big and bad would it have been in the old times, say the 50s to 80s?

We’ve seen Black People in side roles mostly comedic because that’s what they could get for working in a film is showing off their laughs and moves but there was one, Sidney Poitier who broke all the barriers and helmed the torch for Black People in films.

This article is focusing on that because there’s a new AppleTV+ Biographical film about that very same actor releasing soon in theatres and on the streaming platform. Including testimonies from Hollywood’s Major Black Artists some of them including Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, and many more, the film touches upon his life right from his childhood to his death because of Alzheimer’s and what made him and what we’ve seen him doing.

For people who do not much about him, well they should just check out the movie but one thing we’d like to tell you is that he was the first African American Man to win an Oscar & Golden Globe for Best Actor in 1964 for his role in Lilies of the Field (1963). To win an Oscar at that time, in a country that did not respect Black people living amongst them with equal rights and on the brink of the Civil Rights movement, this is one film to look out for.

The film will be out on AppleTV+ on September 23, 2022.



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